Backyard Brahmas!!




Got these chicks a few weeks ago from Azer (her birds are beautiful btw). They attack my hand when I give them fermented and wet feed. They're gold laced and buff laced brahmas. They're currently in a brooder with 8 GL brahmaXameraucana chicks, 6 trader joe chicks, 3 SL wyandottes, and 3 GL wyandottes.
Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's that time again! Time for another fun filled episode of "Blooie Asks"! So, here we go! Are Light Brahmas' eggs really dark brown - almost Marans' brown? I just found the tiniest little pullet egg in one of the nests and I only have one girl out of all the Littles with a dark red face. I thought they matured later than this - mine are 18, almost 19 weeks. The other possibility- and the one I'm more inclined to suspect - is one of the 3 Red Sex Links in the same age group, but their faces still look so peachy colored.

The winner of Blooie's game show will win an all expense paid trip to any destination in the world, so long as it doesn't cost more than 35 cents and a linty cherry Lifesaver, on accounta that's all I have in my pocket at the moment.
Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's that time again! Time for another fun filled episode of "Blooie Asks"! So, here we go! Are Light Brahmas' eggs really dark brown - almost Marans' brown? I just found the tiniest little pullet egg in one of the nests and I only have one girl out of all the Littles with a dark red face. I thought they matured later than this - mine are 18, almost 19 weeks. The other possibility- and the one I'm more inclined to suspect - is one of the 3 Red Sex Links in the same age group, but their faces still look so peachy colored.

The winner of Blooie's game show will win an all expense paid trip to any destination in the world, so long as it doesn't cost more than 35 cents and a linty cherry Lifesaver, on accounta that's all I have in my pocket at the moment.
I'd suspect the sex link. Generally they will start laying at about 20 weeks.
Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's that time again! Time for another fun filled episode of "Blooie Asks"! So, here we go! Are Light Brahmas' eggs really dark brown - almost Marans' brown? I just found the tiniest little pullet egg in one of the nests and I only have one girl out of all the Littles with a dark red face. I thought they matured later than this - mine are 18, almost 19 weeks. The other possibility- and the one I'm more inclined to suspect - is one of the 3 Red Sex Links in the same age group, but their faces still look so peachy colored.

The winner of Blooie's game show will win an all expense paid trip to any destination in the world, so long as it doesn't cost more than 35 cents and a linty cherry Lifesaver, on accounta that's all I have in my pocket at the moment.
bumpercarr wins this one
so far all of my brahma's have been at least eight months old before they started laying, sometimes older
Mine too. I have NEVER had a brahma lay at 19 weeks.....I've had plenty of red sex links lay that early though. I've also never had one get red faced that early, are you sure it isn't a cockerel?
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Took these tonight. This is representative of the coloration on all of the others' faces.

And then we have Miss Blurry, who wouldn't hold still for her closeup worth beans, but at least you can compare the color. I don't think she's a he - but I don't know diddly about Brahmas yet so I could be wrong. I'll try to get a better shot of her tomorrow. I'm still leaning toward the egg coming from a RSL simply because of the age, but none of them show any signs of reddening yet.

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