Backyard Brahmas!!

hm, the top picture is definitely redder than my 17 week old for sure pullet, and the bottom color is as red as my 17 week old cockerel. I know my pullet is in no way near ready to lay, she is still barely got a tinge of pink at the edges.
Here are my hatchery pair again. They are just so cool to have in the flock. They and the last years chickens are finally all in the coop together without the head hen trying to kill him!

Hi. I have two LF light brahma girls they are pretty easy goin about year and a half old i got them at 10 weeks. They say Brahmas dont fly well or at all . Well my girls didnt get that meno...... But it could be because of their boyfriend..My Serama roo he is crazy about them two, the other hens he wont even look at. He looks like a jocky riding a race horse :) I do love my girls.

Took these tonight. This is representative of the coloration on all of the others' faces.

And then we have Miss Blurry, who wouldn't hold still for her closeup worth beans, but at least you can compare the color. I don't think she's a he - but I don't know diddly about Brahmas yet so I could be wrong. I'll try to get a better shot of her tomorrow. I'm still leaning toward the egg coming from a RSL simply because of the age, but none of them show any signs of reddening yet.
Blooie, by now if they were "he" you would see some iredescent tail feathers. The black is flat on my girl but South has the beautiful green shine to his that are in.
Thanks, everyone. Don't think I have any roos in the bunch, and since they are 18 weeks old on Monday I'd probably know it by now, right? I found my mystery chicken - it's silly little Nutmeg, the RSL. She still isn't very red in the face, but she's laying nonetheless. We were up in Billings all day yesterday and after we got home and put all the stuff away I went out to check on the girls. I opened the coop door and saw a RSL on the nest, but aside from knowing for sure it wasn't one of the 2 Bigs (Ida or Dora) I couldn't be sure which one it was. Then out she popped, and behind her was another perfect, tiny little pullet egg, still wet!

So it wasn't one of the Light Brahmas after all, but I still contend that as red as her face is it won't be long before she joins ranks of the paying guests! And congratulations, bumpercarr! You won!
Grafted 3 chicks to my Brahma last night. She is busy caring for her unruly hatchery chicks now
It was my first time grafting and I was nervous and just gave her three "extras" now I'm wishing I'd have given her the 5 we were going to time

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