Backyard Brahmas!!

Torrelee- That chick definitely is a cross... and therefore I"ll withhold judgment. But - based on the fact that that comb appears more single than pea I think you're safe. Most single combs enlarge early in cockerels.
Hi all! Having read all of this thread now, I still have a question
This is Queenie - I believe she is between 3 and 4 months old, she's one of my mutt brahmas. I live in Costa Rica, and the brahmas here came from Europe (all the ones I've seen have 'quill feathers'), and I'm sure there's a lot of crossing going on.

I'm thinking she's a pullet, she acts very sweetly towards the younger chicks and is submissive towards my boss pullet. She's also the smartest of my little flock and a lap chicken too! Her comb just started pinking up the last 3 days and it's thrown me into a quandary: any observations would be welcome! Thank you! Ancel

I was wondering what age Brahma cockerels normally get their saddle, hackle, and sickle feathers in? Mine are 15 weeks and I'm still not sure on gender.
Hi suko, can't really help you, but the latest pictures posted above are my light mutt brahma and she's about 15 weeks, maybe by looking at her hackles / saddle / sickle - or lack thereof - might help you by comparison?
Good luck, it's both compulsive and frustrating this trying to guess the brahma gender isn't it?
Hi suko, can't really help you, but the latest pictures posted above are my light mutt brahma and she's about 15 weeks, maybe by looking at her hackles / saddle / sickle - or lack thereof - might help you by comparison?
Good luck, it's both compulsive and frustrating this trying to guess the brahma gender isn't it? :pop

So frustrating! I don't see any of the male feathers on mine which is why I was wondering when they start coming in. Their combs and wattles are also confusing me. None are blatantly obvious cockerels. Thank you for the reply!
I was wondering what age Brahma cockerels normally get their saddle, hackle, and sickle feathers in? Mine are 15 weeks and I'm still not sure on gender.
Usually by 4 mos I can see saddle feathers coming in, which look much different than a pullet's cushion. They will be longish (not too long at this age) but have a definite point instead of a nice round feather. At 6 mos, hackle is beginning to come in, again very pointed...the pullet's hackle is not as thin and pointy as the cockerel's hackle. It is much easier to see if you have more than one to compare to each other.

Another thing to think about (if you only had one) is that at 6-8 weeks, the males will still have fluff on their backs instead of real feathers coming in. The females will be much more fully feathered at that age, although if you pick one up and look, you can see that they still have some spots where the feathers aren't quite in yet....I'm guessing that their feathers just cover better when they are younger.

Hope that helps a bit.
Usually by 4 mos I can see saddle feathers coming in, which look much different than a pullet's cushion.  They will be longish (not too long at this age) but have a definite point instead of a nice round feather.  At 6 mos, hackle is beginning to come in, again very pointed...the pullet's hackle is not as thin and pointy as the cockerel's hackle.  It is much easier to see if you have more than one to compare to each other.

Another thing to think about (if you only had one) is that at 6-8 weeks, the males will still have fluff on their backs instead of real feathers coming in.  The females will be much more fully feathered at that age, although if you pick one up and look, you can see that they still have some spots where the feathers aren't quite in yet....I'm guessing that their feathers just cover better when they are younger.

Hope that helps a bit.

Thank you! I'll try to keep a lookout for saddle feathers showing up soon. I don't see any yet.
I was convinced one of them (I have 6) was a cockerel early on because he did feather out much more slowly than the others but now I'm not so sure. I'm thinking he's poorly bread. He is hatchery after all. His comb is a little different from the rest. Looks almost like part straight comb. But his wattles are nowhere to be found. Some of the others have larger wattles. And some of the others have redder faces. I have one that has larger wattles than the rest but they certainly aren't significant. Compared to pics I've seen of others the same age they're small. So I have no idea. They keep trying to trick me. Lol!

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