Backyard Brahmas!!

Thanks, me too!! They are pretty birds. We are going to try just leaving the coop closed up till 9 each morning and see how it goes. If he just need to crow a bit and get it out of his system in the morning, that is acceptable. 

My brahma rooster crows at all different times of the day, I thought that was normal :)

He's an older fellow and such a gentleman that I don't mind putting up with his noise. He also calls to his hen during the day when they're out and about and that can get noisy too. Luckily our neighbours aren't too close, but I do have an in-home daycare so sometimes when he's crowing during nap time I go outside and try to distract him. Doesn't usually work though, if he has something to say then he's going to say it!
I know there is not a lot of choice but at least if I can keep him quiet or at an acceptable level early in the morning. So far today he crowed once before I let them out of the coop at 7 and has been quiet since. I know he is still young though and may get noisier.

This is a juvenile - I tried to take a similar angle to your photo so you can see the pointy feathers coming in. Next photo from the side.

Here is the side view...

Entire view!

These are ~ 4-5 month old boys.
A good example of how the saddle feathers are coming in and the hackle isn't quite developing yet. I generally don't see hackle start to really come in until they are reaching sexual maturity, about 8 months old. There will be some hackle developing, but it won't be obvious.
This is a juvenile - I tried to take a similar angle to your photo so you can see the pointy feathers coming in. Next photo from the side. Here is the side view... Entire view! These are ~ 4-5 month old boys.
Great pics thank you!!! I don't see any feathers like that on anyone...YET. Lol!


Just got these guys a week ago. Anyone know exactly what they are? Thanks
Buff brahmas, the ones in the box are probably pullets is my guess. Look like probably hatchery stock, but it is hard to tell at this age. I'm going strictly based on the heads that I see. Does that answer the question?

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