Backyard Brahmas!!

My Pumpkin had two hens but the one hen picked on the other, who's name is muffin, so we separated her and now muffin has ripped up feathers (all the time, I wonder if she picks her own feathers) anyway, Pumpkin has had one hen for a long time, until we got him chicks. The hen did get a tiny bare spot on her back but it wasn't bad. And Muffin is just a mean old grouch that pick on the chicks and is terrified of everything else except Marshmallow (they're buds)
I said too much. I'm sure your Pumpkin will be just fine :)

You didn't say to much. You made me laugh. Hopefully he'll be good. I really love him and don't want to have to get rid of him.
My Light Brahma is a bumbling teenager and though he is not mean and is understandably learning the ropes, he uses the top of one of the BO's heads as a handle and has given her a big awful bruise on her head and taken all her feathers off the top of her head trying to balance himself since he is huge and she is regular size. :mad: . She is my favorite hen and the only one with this problem so he is not on my happy list. I have rigged up a partition that will allow all the girls to get to 1/2 the run but is too small for him to get through so they can spend some roosterless time. She will have to make it past him in the morning and to get to the nest box but this is the best I can do for now short of sending him off to the stew pot. If it makes him get louder being separated he will still be off to the stew pot anyway but we will give it a go. 

My big dummy can't even scratch his head without loosing his balance. I can't imagine what he'll do to my two little girls. Ugh Good luck with your new setup.
They were hatchery but they are wayyyy bigger than anything else out in the coop - out of the year and half old girls out there the RSLinks are dinky but prolific, the Marans and Easter Eggers are medium, and the Buff Orpington is big. On the other hand, the Light Brahmas are HUGEONIC! I have those plastic nest boxes hanging in the coop and they squeeze into them, but I can guarantee that if there was an egg in there before they decided to climb in it's most likely broken. I have 4 of them, and they are 24 weeks. One of them has been laying for the last 9 days, another started 4 days ago, and a 3rd one laid her first yesterday. One left to go. It's a little early from what I've been reading, but there is no doubt that those eggs were laid by them. I also have 8 Buff Brahmas that are 19 weeks old, and they aren't as giant as the Lights, but they are still pretty doggone big. So I need to get creative here and figure out a better nesting system for them.
mine are 24 weeks and neither the Brahma or the EE's are laying yet....grrrr. Have you seen the setup with plastic milk crates turned on their side and a perch installed in front and a board tipped on top to avoid roosting? The one I saw was 2 wide 3 high and very cool looking.
My egg boxes in my coop were supposed to be 4 of them, 2 next to each other with a partition, I left out the partition and it helped for my big BO so I left it.
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I used five gallon bucket on its side method and only one of my Brahma girls is determined to use them, but they work great for the smaller girls. My husband works for the local rural water coop and so I repurposed some old 12 inch "bell ends" from water pipe...all the girls who dont fl well use these and they seem to work well. If I can get a picture later I will.
These are my Brahms's.


Cute! I have 7 dark brahma chicks that are 5 weeks old, i've read that males and females look the same at this age. One thing I did notice, 4 of mine have WAY more tail feathers than the other 3.

Earlier this spring I had 4 chicks (backyard mixed breed) and the same thing happened with tail feathers. It turned out in that case the ones with long tail feathers were female.

It will be interesting to see what happens with this bunch :)

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