Backyard Brahmas!!

Hi everyone. I just bought three Brahmas from the swap meet at a flea market. I have never had any and liked the looks of them. I only got females. Two are doing great but the third almost died on me. I have her in a separate building by herself trying to figure out the problem. She is eating and drinking really good but she is not gaining eight. She looked good but she is all feathers. I was shocked at how skinny she was. I have given her electrolytes and probiotics in her water. The other night when I picked her up she tipped forward and all the water in her craw emptied out thru her mouth.
How old are they?

do you keep water constantly available, i have seen that water ejection after picking up a bird that had been watered after being very thirsty and they filled their crop to capacity. In my estimation not a problem. As far as the being light on weight, i wouldn't venture to stipulate as to the cause, could even be as simple as failure to thrive. maybe someone else might have a suggestion.
do you keep water constantly available, i have seen that water ejection after picking up a bird that had been watered after being very thirsty and they filled their crop to capacity. In my estimation not a problem. As far as the being light on weight, i wouldn't venture to stipulate as to the cause, could even be as simple as failure to thrive. maybe someone else might have a suggestion.

this quote was intended to answer newduckie not buffiloridagirl, sorry
Well, guess I'll join this thread - still reading it from beginning and on page 75 (still in 2012!)...

I purchased a group of chickens that were 1/2 brahma and after researching the breed a bit, I then went a month later and bought 2 Lite Brahmas (purebreed?) from Fayetteville Poultry. I really like these birds!!

The 1/2s have varying hatch dates from June thru Aug. Think I got 2 from the 2nd hatch (1/2 EE w/ beards/muffs), the rest?? Doesn't matter - have 12 pullets and 9 cockerels. The cockerels are all slated (at this time) to go to freezer camp on varying dates starting in Nov. The 2 largest are HUGE!

Here's some pics -

Lite brahmas with others...

I am enjoying learning about the Brahma and hope to have more variety AND some Bantams as well next year! They are really neat birds! And fun to have (well a couple of th boys I will have no prob w/ freezer camp - they are on the aggressive side).
Just a photo update of my 7 brahma chicks that I hatched out July 2015. I ended up with 4 roosters and 3 hens

It's interesting to see that our 1/2 brahma's look very similar to the purebreds I'm seeing folks have - both in coloring, and in body shape.

The 9 boys got to free range for almost 6 hours this afternoon! When I just went out, 3 came towards me at the front gate (they are in the perimeter pony pasture) and I called "chick, chick, boy boys" and they followed me to the hoop coop they are in. None wanted to go back thru the "pop" door, so I opened the w/t door, strapped it open and followed the boys around to the right until they went into it. Took 3 tries before the last (largest), stubborn boy figured out where I wanted him to go and I had to "shoo" 2 ponies away that wanted to enter the coop (food???). They all watered, picked thru their feed and spread out the flake of new hay I'd put in for them. The girls were jumping up and down in their coop - I haven't gotten brave with them yet. I don't want to loose any of the girls... I have some fencing and tomorrow I'll bring it up by the coop where we've moved it and let them out for a while.

Made plans this weekend to clean up loads of leaves/pinestraw and fill each of the tractors for DLM, but I have a nasty sinus thing going on (maybe flu?)... After chores this morning and a laugh while hubby putting up Halloween decorations, we ate lunch and l took meds. I woke up 3 hours later when I rolled off the couch... SIGH. As much as I hate to drive right now, I absolutely need to get feed tomorrow & don't know if will have any "gumption" to rake and haul stuff tomorrow. Thankfully, the weather supposed to be ok for a bit yet, so I guess I've got time...

"flu/flu go away, don't come back another day..."
Hi everyone, things have been slow in the chicken world so I haven't been here in a while. Just waiting for these gals to finish maturing! I figure it'll be spring before I see any eggs.. In the meantime I'm just enjoying watching them grow. :)
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