Backyard Brahmas!!

Looking for rare color Brahma chickens to start a breeding program. I'm in NW PA. 45 acre farm. We pretty much free range our chicken right now but I want to get into some serious breeding. I have investigated most of the breeds and Brahma chickens are the way I want to go.

Also looking for a mentor/co-breeder willing to share knowledge and swap chickens.

Thank you in advance.
My poor cockerell was attacked by a dog! My vet stitched him up but my boy almost had his tail ripped off. Found him hiding under our water tank with the bloody bum sticking out. He didn't fit in under completely. I'm SO angry!

The picture is now 10 days after the incident. Pictures on the day is quite gruesome. His bum was just a bloody mess.

I have one buff brahma female she's from a lemon Pyle brahma parents. Wanted to know if I pair up with a buff brahma roo, what offspring will I get? Buff brahma male is from pure buff brahma parents.

I got this Brahma last summer. She is supposed to be a Buff Laced. She is VERY light, as a matter of fact his picture makes her look darker than she really is. Is she a Buff Laced, or something else?

I got this Brahma last summer. She is supposed to be a Buff Laced. She is VERY light, as a matter of fact his picture makes her look darker than she really is. Is she a Buff Laced, or something else?

She could be homozygous for dominant white which apparently lightens the gold to yellow. I think that's why many buff laced breeders breed heterozygous Dom white chickens with gold laced to maintain the gold color.

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