Backyard Brahmas!!

Does anyone else's Brahma give them the stink eye whenever they come near? Only had her a few days, but she just glares at me like she's daring me to come near her. They say you can't make friends with salad, but I'm going to try to make chicken friends with kitchen scraps...
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Does anyone else's Brahma give them the stink eye whenever they come near? Only had her a few days, but she just glares at me like she's daring me to come near her. They say you can't make friends with salad, but I'm going to try to make chicken friends with kitchen scraps...
I made friends with mine with wheat and seeds. Now when they see me they come rushing over and jump up at me if I don't give them the goodies quick enough.
I've only had one dark like yours; she was the sweetest bird going. Always wanting to sit in my lap. Good luck.

I hope mine turns out that way! I picked up 6 hens all at once, and my dark brahma is one of the most standoff-ish of all of them.

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I made friends with mine with wheat and seeds. Now when they see me they come rushing over and jump up at me if I don't give them the goodies quick enough.

I'm trying! Twice a day when I go to see them I bring them a few treats. Not a lot but enough to let them realize I'm not a threat. They are loving the kitchen scraps, hated the sunflower seeds.
Hey our brahma hens are 1 year and are about the size of an astrolorpe are they done growing?
I got a couple Brahmas last year from the feed store so definitely hatchery birds. My rooster ended up being gigantic, the hen is big but not gigantic. She is about 10 lbs at a year, bigger than my very hefty Orpington but not as big as I thought she would be. I don't think mine will even put any more weight on as she is very well rounded now.
One of my brahmas was killed, and my other one is lonely so is there a chicken that won't fight if we introduce them has adults? Or should we just get another brahma?
Our newest batch of chicks. This is our Light Brahma, Blanche. So far she is the most active of the group.

An update on Sparkle, she's already 7 weeks old! She and her two chick friends got to mingle supervised with the big girls today. Thankfully they are all learning to run far and fast from my top hen who's a barred rock.


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