Backyard Brahmas!!

I had quite a few chicks out of my Blue Orpington rooster, Suede, and my Buff Brahma, Caroline. All the pullets were solid black or blue with feathered legs and pea combs. All the males were blue or black with lots of gold in the hackles and wings and huge tree trunks for legs (feathered, of course). Very handsome birds. It's a good cross, I think, the Brahma and Orp.
Could a pullet develop a pinkish comb at under 4 weeks?

I thought I had my chicks pegged for sex. I ordered 3 pullets and one cockeral. All suspected pullets are already feathering well out with wing, tail, leg, and feet feathers. All are close in development, except Big Bertha who is the biggest and most developed of all.

By default, I assumed the cockeral was feathering out the slowest, and that "he" was the only one still looking like a giant day old chick at almost 4 weeks.

However, I noticed yesterday that my most developed "pullets" comb is turning pinkish red. It seems like another "pullet" is just right behind her.

What do you folks think? Is this normal for early developing pullets or is my girls all boys, and if those are cockerals, what's up with the fuzzy no-feather chick?!

Big Bertha, the "pullet" with the reddening comb

I know it's blurry, sorry

Stew, the suspected cockeral (until now).
My brahams always get a little more pink faced and make me doubt myself at about 4-6 weeks but feathering has been a much better indicator for me. I'd say you are safe. (I never say never but bertha looks like a she to me)
My brahams always get a little more pink faced and make me doubt myself at about 4-6 weeks but feathering has been a much better indicator for me. I'd say you are safe. (I never say never but bertha looks like a she to me)

Ok, I will remain cautiously hopeful that this is the case. Thanks for the help!
Our pastor bought 8 white Brahmas because he was intrigued by their feathery legs. Since he lives in the city he gave them to us to raise. They are so adorable. They are friendly and like to be held and talked to. I am totally sold on them. I love my Americaunas because of their blue eggs and my Buffs give me lovely pink eggs, but they are not friendly, they are skittish.
Anyway, my question is this... Everything I have read on Brahmas says that they start to lay eggs around 6 months old. My girls are only just over 4 months old and they have been laying for about 3 weeks now. I know it is them because of the size of their eggs and they are the only young hens in the "chicken mansion". Is this usual or not?
Thanks for the info. I was kinda worried about my girls, not that there is anything I can do about it.... :) These came from Rural King so are most likely not or "great" stock, but I love them.
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Now that you say that, mine usually laid at about 20 weeks

I had two hatchery Brahmas. The Light Brahma laid super early, at 19 weeks. Her Buff "sister" did not lay until 30 weeks. Coincidentally, the Lt. Brahma hen died at 5 1/2 years old of reproductive cancer. I still have the Buff, though she has not laid in at least 3 years. She will be 10 years old in January, if she makes it that far. Later laying is probably better for their health anyway, from my experience with all my hens.

We'll have to see what happens with my current batch of Brahmas, who are now just 8 weeks old. There are four pullets. These are Partridge, Blue Partridge and one Dark pullet. I do have a thread dedicated to their development, if anyone is interested.
Partridge Pullet

Blue Partridge pullet

Dark Pullet

Partridge pullet
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