Backyard Brahmas!!

Lol, yep. This is something I could see happening in my yard. Then my husband would come in and tell me what "that chicken with fluffy feet" did since he refuses to learn or call "the livestock" by name

But, when you have 10 "chickens with fluffy feet", a name seems more prudent and easier! That's why I have always named mine. It's easier to say "Tiny" than "that mean tempered black chicken with spurs and blood in her eye", LOL.
I have 4. My first Brahmas. 2 gold ones and 2 silver ones.
I love them and cant stop watching them. They are like little happy dogs the way they run to you. 3 are laying (about 9 months) but one silver one spends half the day just sitting in the nexting box. She is there so often the others moved to another laying box. She looks good , is eating but mostly just sits...and every now and then does the most blood curdling squark you can imagine.
I have 4. My first Brahmas. 2 gold ones and 2 silver ones.
I love them and cant stop watching them. They are like little happy dogs the way they run to you. 3 are laying (about 9 months) but one silver one spends half the day just sitting in the nexting box. She is there so often the others moved to another laying box. She looks good , is eating but mostly just sits...and every now and then does the most blood curdling squark you can imagine.

Brahmas are known to go broody. :)
Oh. I dont have a rooster and didnt think they would go broody before they started laying.
I'll just let her get on with it then!
Oh. I dont have a rooster and didnt think they would go broody before they started laying.
I'll just let her get on with it then!

Welcome to BYC. If the eggs are not fertile, you'll need to try to break her up. I have one hen go broody within a month of beginning to lay. She refused to quit, an extreme case. By close to Day 21, she was in trouble, unable to control her head/neck, just in bad shape, in spite of trying literally everything to get her to stop, bag of ice under her, cage by herself with mesh under her bum and no bedding, etc. I had to employ emergency measures to save her life, finally snapping her out of it about Day 22. Later, she went on to become broody about a year later, when I did have a rooster, and she raised her two chicks and claimed the 25 three-week-old chicks in the grow out pen next to hers as well. She lived to be 6 1/2 years old, but never went broody again. I guess raising 27 chicks at one time cured her of that, LOL.

Hopefully, you can get her to quit or get her some fertile eggs to hatch from someone. My hen was an extreme case, but it can damage their health if they are not eating and drinking as they should (we made ours get off every day, but she was faking her eating, I guess).
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My broody gets broody every 3 months but I make her get up or lock her out. She can't have babies but I alway make sure she gets water/Mellon in this hot heat

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