Backyard Brahmas!!

What kind of Bramhas do you think they are?
Those don't look like the colors I know

The one in the back has a single comb, so not pure Brahma, if at all. Brahmas should never have single combs.

That pattern is Dark Brahma like this girl here:

Second from left facing backward is a Dark Brahma.

Here she is now:

I got my chicks from a a breeder who specialises in pure breeds, I would see no reason why they would be mixed if they told me they were pure breeds.

Okay, but look at the one in the back-if it has a single comb, you at the very least have a Brahma that is not pure for pea comb. ALL Brahmas MUST have pea combs. Some so-called breeders are sometimes just propagators of hatchery stock. Not saying that's the case here, necessarily, because genes can show up unexpectedly, but a Brahma must have a pea comb.
I see your point, mine do not have a pea comb. Although I have seen pictures of Brahmas without the pea comb.

What that means is that there is a single comb gene in there somewhere which most definitely should not be there. A Brahma with a single comb is not acceptable, as a breeder or, really, as a representation of a Brahma. I'm not sure where you saw a Brahma with a single comb, but that should never be. I've seen lots of folks misidentify their other-breed birds as Brahmas here on BYC, of course, but again, it's 100% not a proper Brahma unless there is a pea comb. I had a Lt. Brahma from a hatchery that had a pea comb but it was the type that I knew was not pure on the pea comb gene. Yours is beyond that. So, I'd be asking the "breeder" if she has single combed birds in her coops. That would be a trait you'd cull for as a breeder. Folks who want to show their birds would have a single combed Brahma immediately disqualified so the person propagating those birds needs to revamp her breeding stock some, I'd guess.

Here is Miranda. Though technically, she had a pea comb, it showed that she was not 100% pure for the gene, but I pretty much expect hatchery stock to be substandard as far as proper traits. You see how it waves and folds over? It shouldn't do that.


(Sorry this is my phone wall paper and I couldnt find the real one)

I agree with Speckled hen, pure Bramhas must have pea comb.
I have one hen (left hen) she has a TINY pea comb
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