Bad case of pasty butt in baby chick, wont eat or drink and falling over cant walk much.

Pasty butt does tend to reoccur and if it manages to clear out the backed up feces they may be wet and stick to the rump again. I've used cuticle scissors to remove the vent fluff. A friend of mine pulls the vent fluff and I don't have the heart to just pull it. Cracker crumbs added to the feed may help to dry it's stool up. If it's caught on time they recover but a lot of the time the people who take care of them in the feed stores aren't aware of this problem and the chick may have had it going on for several days.
Do not pull at it! You could pull out the intestine. Use Q tip in warm water to loosen it until it pulls away from vent hole.
Once its cleaned away, dry it well. Add vaseline to the area so the poop doesn't stick anymore. Also, very important, add 1½ tsp of organic apple cider vinegar ( the kind with the "mother") to a quart of their water. It will help them tremendously! Keep this up during their life time.

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