Bald Golden Polish


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 19, 2007
I have a nearly 5 week old Golden Polish chick who... is bald. She has a ring of tall feathers around her head, and a large bald, somewhat scaly spot in the middle. I'm not sure if the feathers fell out or some other chick plucked her. She didn't seem hurt or frightened, and I've never seen them pick at her, though that certainly doesn't mean it didn't happen. There's never been any blood or injuries.

Do you suppose this is what's going on, or is this something that might happen to a Golden Polish chick?

Will they grow back? *lol*

I hope this is not a common problem, i have 10, 1 week old Golden Polish and 3 silver.

Would not like this to happen to them.

If it did happen to one i would move it into a cage on its own, with a lamp for walmth.


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