Banded Pigeon Found - Assistance Please

But since I don’t know if it’s male of female how would that work?
The males will make lots of noise...grunts, coos, woody-woodpecker type songs, and generally be more "cocky" and aggressive. They'll come toward danger to "fight" (usually just wing slapping & fake charging). Females will be more calm and a lot more quiet. No guarantees, though. ;) These are generalizations. Sometimes if you have more than one male, the weaker one will act like a female to keep the peace.
Pen-Pal Update!

So it's been a while since we've updated folks on Pal and Pen, so we thought we'd share the latest. We still know relatively little about pidges, but we sure do love these guys.

We're thinking now that Pen is a girl, although no eggs. She has seemed to bond more with me (the male in the human relationship). Although she always sits on either of our heads or shoulders, she only really invites me to pat her. She also is fascinated by my We have also noticed that her beak gets much darker when I'm around. She also does the strutting thing with her tail feathers dragging on the ground (he hum Darth Vader's theme song).

Pal continues to be a love. He lets us rub his breast usually, and he readily eats seeds out of our hands, but there is no patting. He is more svelte than Pen and has stellar posture. He has tried to land on Pen a few times, but Pen is not interested. Pal seems confused by why Pen is not more interested in him.


They spend about four or five hours per day out in the Studio. We have not really seen any nesting behaviour or anything like that, although we did recently offer them a box of straw in which they seem interested. They both enjoy their bath, and they LOVE the shower. They coo in the morning, which is a lovely way to wake up. :)

The only really challenge with them is getting Pal to go back in to their enclosure. Pen is easily lured with a few sunflower seeds, but Pal usually requires a little tenacity. Any tricks or tips?

Anyway, we're still so glad they are part of our lives. Thanks to everyone here who helped us figure out what the heck we were doing when Pal showed up on our lawn that day! :)
Hi, All.

We found a pigeon (with two leg bands) wandering around our yard looking quite disoriented and not entirely well. I have him/her in a box in a darkened bathroom right now, and I've given him/her a container of water.

We won't be able to take him/her to the vet until tomorrow, and we know nothing about pigeons. Would it be okay to offer him/her some 16% layer crumble? He seems like he can stand okay, but is a little wobbly, and he has not tried to fly away. His respirations don't seem overly laboured, but his breastplate is very pronounced.

I'll update with more details shortly, but I just want to get some nourishment into him/her.

Thanks in advance!
Hi, All.

We found a pigeon (with two leg bands) wandering around our yard looking quite disoriented and not entirely well. I have him/her in a box in a darkened bathroom right now, and I've given him/her a container of water.

We won't be able to take him/her to the vet until tomorrow, and we know nothing about pigeons. Would it be okay to offer him/her some 16% layer crumble? He seems like he can stand okay, but is a little wobbly, and he has not tried to fly away. His respirations don't seem overly laboured, but his breastplate is very pronounced.

I'll update with more details shortly, but I just want to get some nourishment into him/her.

Thanks in advance!
I'm really glad for the update and that all is well! I was wanting to ask about the pigeon pants, did they seem like more trouble than they are worth? or are you using them? Over on the pigeon talk thread @Serin posted about Olive who is nearly potty trained! :)
Pigeon pants have not been a huge success. Because they live in the studio, more often than not, we just cover everything in drop cloths and then wash. Not the best solution, but... We need to learn more about Olive! :)

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