BANTAM COCHINS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh, look at that round little guy! I love the Cochin shape!

Thank you! I got very lucky. He's one of my variety order from ideal poultry. Not sure how clean his markings are, but his shape is turning out nice. His hatch date is 6-29-16 so almost 8 months old.

I'm thinking of doing another variety order cause I need more girls & hoping to get the ones I need for pairs.
Yes, we have acidified copper sulfate, but that is more for sour crop. I've keep that for years now for sour crop issues and do use it. Tomato juice also is said to help with crop issues, not sure why, tried that with yogurt as well. But, the doughy mass is just sitting. The crop just plain is not functioning, as far as we can tell. If it was sour crop or plain impacted crop, I think it would be resolving by now.

This is an odd idea, but I've issues of food getting stuck in my pouch. I use papaya enzymes to help break it down. Maybe it'll help? If it is his time, I do hope he goes with no suffering.
I'm a disgrace. I'm cochin-less

So easily purchase or hatching
They are the BEST!!!
Thank you for all the suggestions, but this crop issue was not really about the crop, but about Xander leaving us soon. Xander passed away during the night. He was on his feet yesterday morning, but barely. DH made a nest of one of those stackable storage things, can't think of the term for it, it's open fronted, and put him in it, where he stayed until he passed. His crop was a doughy ball. Even using Colace and massage many times a day did not move it along. It was not technically impacted but at a dead stop, a symptom of a system shutdown underway at the end of his life. Food mixed with water to form a paste and sat, as I've seen with many dying birds over the years, but only once with a rooster, coincidentally another bantam.

My 8 year old large fowl Delaware hen, Georgie, whose group Xander's was only recently combined with, sat next to him almost all day, grooming him gently. He was unresponsive for the most part all day long. The others sometimes would sit around him, but only Georgie sat touching him and grooming him. Others would come close and bend down to check on him. Georgie went to her roost at bedtime, but at 3 a.m., my husband went to check on Xander, found him gone with Georgie laying next to him with her head across his body. She is 2nd in command in her own group, only next in line to my 9 yr old EE hen, June, but she played the role of head hen yesterday in holding vigil over a dying pen mate. I'm so proud of her. And we'll miss our little Munchkin Dictator. He was a good rooster. I am so tired of issues with big young, hormonal males injuring pullets lately, that I am thiiiiiiiiis close to combining all my hen groups who can run together and getting them a couple of little men to watch out for them. RIP, sweet little Xander.
Found an amazing kind of Cochin- Feather footed. And they come in most of the regular color varieties too! But I'm wondering if I should choose silver-laced or blue.

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