BANTAM COCHINS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roosts and swings,things to pick at etc,but things Iike this go for any chicken run/coop.
Thanks! I really like the chicken swings so I think this is a MUST in our run :) We have some stumps we might add for fun! CONGRATS on your banty coop!

My coop is not insulated, our hardware cloth skirt is not really deep either because our ground is like clay!

Thanks! Good to know! I feel better knowing it doesn't have to be really deep! I think I can get it maybe 3 inches down and covered with dirt. Then cover with rocks on that, since we can't really grow grass naturally here.
Hi! I am a firm believer in raised coops for YOUR ease of cleaning. I have four coops. Two are raised and two are awaiting being raised in spring - had to separate roosters and the cold came fast. An easy to clean coop is going to be a cleaner coop, and who doesn't like that?
Also, if it's not raised-make it easy to walk into & clean out. Give yourself a doorway with a removable litter gusts if doing do litter so you can sweep-shovel-whatever the mess right out. If doing a compost bin the are people who've Incorporated that into their coop & run design or if not then have it close. Saves some work that way.

My birds like branches I trimmed from trees to climb over, sit on, hide under, etc. I think adding various items for height, roosting, etc helps fight the boredom factor. Pallets under a window are great too here. They'll sit on the top hanging out. Just lean it up wherever.
Just put 12 Blue bantam Cochin eggs in the incubator last night. Never had bantams or Cochins before so I'm looking forward to these babies in three weeks.

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