barred easter egger?

someone already went over the genetics but I will try. Jump in and correct me if I am wrong...

The barred pattern is sex linked, so the gray chick which might have a light spot on its head? should turn barred, and be male. The darker one, should be female and not change to barred. If you breed your hen to a barred male, all babies will be barred. I am really excited to hear about your hen. I want to trade eggs with another barred bearded hen. I am going to try to go to the APA nationals this week to see if I can get my hands on a spectacular show quality barred roo... wish me luck. I have a clutch of my hen's first eggs under a silkie right now, hoping for the best. I will post pics asap when some hatch.
I have two beauties just like yours. I will get out there and get pictures of them to share with yall. I was just thinking about asking Speckled if she ever saw one like them before. I also have one that is a roo. The father of mine was a black sex-link and mom was Araucanas/Americanas ( both from Mcmurray hatchery).
I saw a pic on feathersite of a cuckoo favorelle, could be yours is a cross with something like that especially if she lays brown eggs not blue/green
She lays green eggs and has clean legs, so less likely that it is a cuckoo faverole, which is probably way less common than a marans/amaraucana cross.
I finally took those pictures of my two I was telling you about

This is Penguin~she was black and white just like her name when she was a baby


I haven't named this girl yet. She has some bronze that goes all the way round her neck
The boy I have does not have a fluffy face
Maybe this picture is better of her
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cockadoodlesmom, they look like twins! Thank you all for sharing what you know, and the beautiful photos of your birds. I really REALLY like this color/variety and am interested in staying in touch and hopefully trading eggs with different breeders this spring, when things are at their best for laying/shipping/hatching/brooding etc... I also am going to try to get a really REALLY nice barred roo somehow. Anyone else interested in a group project.

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