Barred Rock & Buff Orpington

I have six different breeds (and varieties) and they each grew at a different pace. And even among the same breed, there was a noticable difference in individuals.

At that young age, every day makes a significant difference in development. Take two chicks: one is 5 days old, and one is 4 days old. The 5 day old chick is 20% older than the 4 day old. That is a big difference in an animal that is growing so fast.

I think if both are eating and drinking well...that all is fine
I've noticed that the behavior of your chickens depends on two things:

1. The general behavior of the breed, and more importantly,

2. How much you handle them.

I had RIRs that are *supposed* to be less docile, but I handle them DAILY, so they're as sweet as can be!

However, I did get some Buff Orpingtons and they are AMAZING!!! I couldn't believe how docile they are...

... but they are only a few days old hehe...
I can't say anything about the Barred Rock, but we chose to get Buff Orps along with a few other breeds and my BO's are very friendly, calm and quite lovely. They love to be picked up and held and they even eat nicely out of my hand for a treat daily. I don't think you can go wrong with a Buff Orp, in my opinion. Being a newbie to chickens, they have flourished well and are 7 weeks old already. Good luck!
The feedstore only got 50 chicks in (4 breeds) and today there were already 5 (including myself) begging them to sell today...and I hear there is going to be a mad dash of folks rushing the door tomorrow only comfort is the other feed store is also getting the same breeds in on Friday...

This feedstore is getting them at McMurray & the other feedstore is getting them from Privet...any opinions on those hatcheries?

My local feed store orders from Privet. They said they've never had a problem and the 13 chicks I got and the 10 chicks a friend of mine got are all healthy and doing well.
We have 6 Barred Rocks and they are the most unfriendly of all of our 35 chickens. They run from us and squawk like we're killing them when we pick them up. I haven't been that impressed with their temperament. We got them as babies just like all of our others, so I know they have been handled from a young age.
We have been getting the chicks out with the kids at least once for a long visiting session daily (and have now added 'treat giving', although that is TOUGH for my daughter she wants to keep the worms as pets too!, so we try to make the 'treat time' when she's napping or not around)

and we (especially me) handle them several times a day...

I hope that is enough...

The Buff Orpington is amazingly docile and friendly...The Barred Rock is friendly when held closely to my chest, but squaks some getting there, for the most part she's pretty friendly...but doesn't melt like butter in our hands like the Buff...the Buff seriously lays her chest down, feet head out back and she rests in your palm like a pad of melting butter on toast! LOL
My little EE Peanut actually hopped up on my shoulder and laid her head down when I was holding her today. She is my most docile and friendly chick by far! Don't you just love the sweet ones?!
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Awww...good to hear, because I'm SERIOUSLY contemplating getting two more chicks...a frizzle and either an EE or a silkie (sort of depends on what the feed store gets in, but those are the breeds they are supposed to get in) I'm sold on the frizzle, but want different looking birds in my if I went with an EE I would want to get a friendly far I hear they are flighty??? but yours sounds sweeeeeeeet!!!!!!
When I posted asking what kind of chick mine was, I got lots of replies about others who had sweet ones. I guess it just depends on the chick, like any other kind. I kind of ended up with this one by accident, but it's my favorite by far!!

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