Barred Rock or ???


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
At first we thought these were Barred Rocks but I dont think Barred Rocks have the beard (at least not any I have seen). The other bird seems to light in color to me and her legs are not the same color as our Barred Rock (they're very yellow). These two are about 3 months old. Any thoughts?


The first one is a mix, probably a BR/EE mix, but looks female.

The bottom one is a roo. The light coloring barring often indicates a male and the darker barring a female, but the male also has sickle feathers and pointy tail feathers growing and I can't see if he's getting saddle feathers or not.
My son has a friend that hatched them in his science class at school. He was SO excited and couldnt wait to get some chicks for us. SO even though we are bursting with chickens I just couldnt tell him no. These two are super sweet! Im not sure if she has a rose comb. I will need to go look at her again. I did wonder if the first might have some EE, that makes me happy! We have wanted more EE's! Im hoping she is!
The bottom one is a roo. The light coloring barring often indicates a male and the darker barring a female, but the male also has sickle feathers and pointy tail feathers growing and I can't see if he's getting saddle feathers or not.

Oh MY! We had wondered when they were little but it doesnt seem to have roolike behavior. Might be to young to show it. We have Roos bursting out our ears!!!​
Just want to add that we put the second on the fence for the pic. Just in case that makes it look more roo like... LOL
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Definatly NOT a rose comb. But what about the feet? Do Barred Rocks have Yellow legs?
WOW...that is one wild looking bird!!!! It has to be some kind of BR/EE cross but it amazes me that it has such beautiful barring and such a pronounced beard. You would think that if it was a cross with a EE it would have more muddled coloring. For it to have such strong EE characteristics (comb, beard) but able to maintain such perfect barred coloring..that is a very unique bird! That is one that would be at the very top of my favorites list!!!

Thanks for sharing those pics!!

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