Barred Rocks!!

I am getting my yard "ready" for 2 chickens. I am sure that I will get a barred rock hen. I am wondering if anyone has any experience with other breeds that do well with a BR? I am looking for a good egg layer and great pet who is able to deal with 90 degree weather in the summer and very mild winters. I am aware that I should not mix a larger hen with a small breed and will not do this.
Chickens are very social animals and most breeds do fine together. I live in Florida and have Barred Rocks, RIR, Marans, CCL's, Araucanas, Orpingtons, SIlkies, Seramas and Tolbunts. All of them do fine in this hot, humid weather. I just make sure they have fresh water available at all times and access to shade.
I just bought a couple white rocks today. They were extremely docile and gave my pullets plenty of space when I put them in the coop tonight. They are beautiful birds with such amazing combs!
Chickens are very social animals and most breeds do fine together. I live in Florida and have Barred Rocks, RIR, Marans, CCL's, Araucanas, Orpingtons, SIlkies, Seramas and Tolbunts. All of them do fine in this hot, humid weather. I just make sure they have fresh water available at all times and access to shade.

Thanks for the tip! Sounds like a nice flock! I am more curious about 1 on 1 since I'll only have 2. I am not opposed to keeping 2 BRs, but variety would be nice.
I have a hen and a rooster. Trying to figure out what they are I thought they were silver laced Wyandotte but they look a lot like these guys too. Now I am not 100% sure, not that it really matters, just nice to know.

This is Patty rooster

and this is his "sister" Thelma

How do you tell the diference between the two breeds?
probably a stupid question......
will a rooster mate with a hen that came out of the same hatch, and will the offspring be ok?
I bought 3 different (2-3 day old) breeds the 2nd of March. Have barred rocks, ameracunas and buffs. At a little over 4 months old the barred rocks have started laying eggs. I have gotten 2 eggs each day for the past 5 days and it's the same 2 pullets laying. I still have them on chick starter. Do I need to continue with just chick starter or begin adding a laying feed. Every thing I have read says to keep them on chick starter 'til they're a year old. In the past I have added laying feed to the chick starter at about 7 months but have never had birds lay this early. Any suggestions?
I bought 3 different (2-3 day old) breeds the 2nd of March. Have barred rocks, ameracunas and buffs. At a little over 4 months old the barred rocks have started laying eggs. I have gotten 2 eggs each day for the past 5 days and it's the same 2 pullets laying. I still have them on chick starter. Do I need to continue with just chick starter or begin adding a laying feed. Every thing I have read says to keep them on chick starter 'til they're a year old. In the past I have added laying feed to the chick starter at about 7 months but have never had birds lay this early. Any suggestions?
The chick starter does not have the calcium in it that laying hens need. As soon as the girls start laying you need to switch them to a layer or all flock feed. Those will provide the added nutrients that your girls need. You should also have a dish of oyster shell or some other form of calcium available to them at all times.
People often ask how our cats get along with the chickens. This pic says it all!
Lydia jumped onto the chair, not realizing the cat was there, paused for about 1.3 seconds, then made herself comfortable. The cat never stopped grooming.
I have a hen and a rooster. Trying to figure out what they are I thought they were [COLOR=333333]silver laced Wyandotte but they look a lot like these guys too. Now I am not 100% sure, not that it really matters, just nice to know.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]This is Patty rooster[/COLOR] and this is his "sister" Thelma How do you tell the diference between the two breeds?
Def barred rocks. I have a rooster just like that his name is jack. He's big a beautiful

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