Barred Rocks!!

I have 2 BRs. Lucy has had large red wattles and comb since 14wks (along with a red sex link) but Ethel (they are now 17wks) still has a tiny comb and basically no wattles. She is the only one in the flock like that, and they are all the same age.

This picture is was from 15wks old but Ethel (front) looks the same, Lucy's comb/wattles are redder and much bigger

Lucy is just maturing at a faster pace than Ethel. I have 2 prod. BR's named Henny and Penny. Penny developed much faster than her sister and started laying back in January. A month later Henny caught up to the "redness" and started laying.
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Yeah I don't really mind. We have a small flock of 6 but I'm sure we'll have way too many eggs. Ethel can take as long as she needs lol
Lucy is just maturing at a faster pace than Ethel. I have 2 prod. BR's named Henny and Penny. Penny developed much faster than her sister and started laying back in January. A month later Henny caught up to the "redness" and started laying.
Thanks for that info Brookhavens and thanks for posting that chirpychicks1. My two BR's are like that to and I was starting to worry that my favorite chicken who is suppose to be a female was really a male. Both are the same color and they look like yours but are a couple weeks younger and smaller comb and wattles and not as red. It’s nice to know that she is just maturing a little faster.
Thanks for that info Brookhavens and thanks for posting that chirpychicks1. My two BR's are like that to and I was starting to worry that my favorite chicken who is suppose to be a female was really a male. Both are the same color and they look like yours but are a couple weeks younger and smaller comb and wattles and not as red. It’s nice to know that she is just maturing a little faster.
Glad to help :) I just loved Barred Rocks, they are my favorite out of my six. Lucy has decided she wants to be a parrot though and ride on my shoulder
such a goof
Glad to help :) I just loved Barred Rocks, they are my favorite out of my six. Lucy has decided she wants to be a parrot though and ride on my shoulder
such a goof
HaHa My Luna does that to and gets up on my lap to play with her sister then falls asleep laying on my leg they are so funny
she is my favorite that's why I was worried I thought just my lucky the chicken I like the best will be a boy and my family doesn't want to have any males
Hello! I am new to chickens and I just got a speckled egg from one of my girls. I didn't know any of them would lay speckled eggs. Now I am searching for who it belongs to.

What color eggs do barred rocks lay?

Here is the egg...

It is difficult to see the speckles, but it is the one on the top left.

I have two hatchery Barred Rocks and they sometimes lay an egg that looks like your speckled one....kinda like dark purple/brown spots on a light brown egg. They both do it periodically (they lay differently shaped eggs so I can tell them apart). I like them speckled. My two BR girls are egg laying machines. One of them has laid everyday since early May. Not a day missed even when the temps soared.

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