Bay Area BYCers!

How cute! I remember Abby from the chicken stock last Oct. She was such a friendly girl! My oldest DD fell in love with Speckled Sussex after meeting her!

Abby is so sweet thanks
I don't know if it makes a difference but when my two EE's went broody, by the time I found their nests, one had 22 and the other 16! All their own eggs! Can't wait to see what you get Anna!
I don't know if it makes a difference but when my two EE's went broody, by the time I found their nests, one had 22 and the other 16! All their own eggs! Can't wait to see what you get Anna!

Thanks to everyone for responding about the large number of eggs I ended up with....Karen was very generous and I have more than I REALLY needed! I read up on some other postings and most BYC'ers seem to think that if you have a lot of eggs, either then hen will kick them out if there are too many, or if she doesn't kick them out, I should try to candle and get any unviable eggs out asap.

When is the soonest you all recommend candling and removing eggs that seem unproductive?
Karen, here are photos of the rooster I mentioned:




He is about 3 1/2 months old, so still a juvenile. Foley's website (he was a day old chick from Foley's) says he will take up to 18 months to fully develop, so I expect he will continue to get more beautiful.

Also, I was thinking I have a black version of the BLRW roo, also. So, if you have a lot of splash hens or wanted to "darken" the blue in your girls, he might suit you, too.

I have three BLRW roosters in the blue color and one in the black color. If anyone else is interested in these guys, please let me know. I promised Karen first pick, but have more roo's than she will need, so can share with others, too.
I don't know if it makes a difference but when my two EE's went broody, by the time I found their nests, one had 22 and the other 16! All their own eggs! Can't wait to see what you get Anna!

Thanks to everyone for responding about the large number of eggs I ended up with....Karen was very generous and I have more than I REALLY needed! I read up on some other postings and most BYC'ers seem to think that if you have a lot of eggs, either then hen will kick them out if there are too many, or if she doesn't kick them out, I should try to candle and get any unviable eggs out asap.

When is the soonest you all recommend candling and removing eggs that seem unproductive?

I suck at candling or I should say at making the choice to pull them but I recommend spending time on the incubating thread. They have an anchored post on candling that will help you if you'd feel better with less eggs under your girl.
Here are some pictures of the almost 4 week old laced brahmas. They are so slow to mature! The other chicks born at the same time are mostly feathered (except the orps, of course)
From left to right, 2 gold laced brahmas, 1 buff laced brahma, 2 silver laced brahmas.

Next batch hatched 5 days ago - 2 buff laced, 4 gold laced, 3 silver laced!!

But the best news is my breeding flock has started to lay, I cracked the eggs open and they are fertile so Clyde and his partner in crime are doing their job! They are at Sienna ranch, don't have names for the other 5 because the kids are going to name them wednesday when I'm teaching a class there! Should be fun - I'll take pics of the 8 mth flock today, they are really turning out nice!



Also the Silver Pencilled Plymouth Rocks are 3 1/2 months now so I think I'll be moving them to Sienna Ranch this weekend. No crowing zone at my house....the wattles and combs are getting bigger...time for them to leave my nest!

I have 11 of them currently! The pencilling is really coming in nice!
I found someone who breeds Crested Polish over in Cottonwood. They have all ages so I'd like to throw them in with current babies who are 4 the question is, what should I look for, for the best shot at picking girls at that age? Or is it just a crap shoot?
I've had lots of Polish. For some reason my BCWs were my favorites.

I've never been able to tell at 4 weeks. The feathering and crest comes in better around 8 weeks and then it's pretty easy. Like I said I've had LOTS of them and at one time they were my only breed, so don't know if that helps.

I've seen crazy crests come in pretty young and later get real neat and poofy, but not roo wild. I guess I did have more luck though when I watched crests and if they were tight as young chicks they did usually turn out to be pullets, but not always. If you see a little more comb, a little wider, they are usually roos. Sometimes you won't see any comb at all on the pullets.

I've been hunting for Buff hens for my poor lonely Bling for over a year. Only time I ever see them, they are just too much. I've had a hard time getting polish to hatch here for some reason. I think I've bough close to 100 eggs the past year and not one hatched.

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