Beautiful barnyard fertitle hatching eggs...Possible purebreed lavender orps, cream legbars, or fren


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Sunny Beautiful NC
I am offering some beautiful barnyard fertile hatching eggs. A great chance that you will get pure breed Lavender orpingtons or French golden cuckoo marans or even a cream legbar. ( I have two lavender roos, with 4 lavender hens, I also have 2 french golden cuckoo maran, and 1 roo 1 2 cream legbars and one cream legbar roo) ... potentinal fathers of your chicks could be a columbian wyandotte, buff brahma, white Rir, black orpington, cream legbar lavender orps, or golden french Cuckoo maran... potentinal mothers of your chicks could be buff orp, rhode island red, plymouth barred rock,cuckoo maran, silver laced wyandotte, black austroulpes, lavender orp, blue americanua, cornation sussex, columbian wyandotte, golden cuckoo maran, lemon cuckoo orp, barred rock, black orp, cream legbar, and blue or splash orp... 12 eggs for $12.00, and 18 eggs for 18.00!! The dates I have available for shipment are 3/30, 4/3, 4/5 4/8, 4/10, 4/12, 4/15, 4/17, 4/19 :) Shipping for 12 eggs is 13.00 and shipping for 18 eggs is 16.00!!!
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Still searching for Jubilee, Lemon Cuckoo, and chocolate orpingtons

Kittenplay would you be willing to send 4 eggs and how much with shipping would that be??? Thanks so much
Yes I can do that. I seen you bidding on ebay. It would be next week before I would be able to get them to you. I can sell them to you for what your last bid was on ebay plus $15 shipping. Hope that helps, I know they are expensive still. Last year I was paying $50 an egg. Least they came down a bit.


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