Beginning A Rooster's Road to Recovery

Russell is still healing well and anxious to get out of his current accommodations and mingle with the ladies. I've been very pleased to see that one of my girls who is very bottom of the pecking order likes to lay beside his run and keep him company. I thought she'd be intimidated by him but his cooing and tidbitting seem to comfort her instead. The two bully hens and two hens that I had lost (an EE who was egg bound last year and my SLW about a month ago to a couple of stray dogs) have been replaced by a lovely and very sweet foursome of older hens who have found their retirement home here which include a BSL, a SLW and two Dominiques. Many thanks to a fellow BYC member who was thinning her flock to make room for chicks! The SLW escaped yesterday when putting the new ladies in their coop and headed straight for Russell instead of staying with her fellow flockmates. It took until sundown to finally catch her and she spent all afternoon trying to make her way into his coop and run. I finally got her when she went to roost on his roof. I think it's safe to say he'll have quite a warm welcome when he finally gets to leave quarantine.
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I'm jealous of those 4 gals who have their forever retirement home. It looks like they'll have a wonderful view, as well as the perfect gentleman escort. Well, I'm jealous of the ocean view!
Russell had some supervised time mingling with the ladies this morning. He was like a kid in a candy store not being able to decide what to do first; sunbathe, dirt-bathe, forage or try to woo some ladies. He ran out with his head going one way and his feet carrying him the other. He went for the ladies first. Big mistake. He got a little grabby with one of the new girls as she ran by him and another new girl, Hola (pronounced "oh-la") gave him one good flogging and he decided he'd better cool it and took a dirt bath instead.

A while later he tried and tried to get close to somebody, anybody. Some would let him get near and others would even approach him when he would tidbit but then he'd say something awkward and they'd run away again. I could tell he was still confused when they huddled around me and ignored him. He'd stand 20' or so away and just watch them, muttering to himself. It was a little sad. After about an hour, when I found my oldest and currently top hen who is nearly 7 yrs old had snuck into the house and was nestled in with Willie to escape all the shenanigans, it was time to give the girls a break and put him back in his run.

A photo from his second day proud and still sore.

Three of the new girls hiding from him. (Hola on the left)

One of many awkward and unsuccessful attempts to approach.

Successful tidbitting (two ladies!!) ...

...followed by the wrong pick up line which made her peck him and run away again.

Better luck tomorrow, Russell.
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Benny Hill music may or may not have been playing in my head as I watched all of this.

He's thinking ahead and my girls are obviously playing hard to get.
I have no doubt he will. I know he should have stayed in quarantine a bit longer but it was torture for him to see the whole flock out in the yard and digging with me in the gardens and not be a part of it. He's been so good about being penned up and I felt the longer he was, the worse it would be for the girls when he finally did get out. I also wanted his feathers to grow in a bit more before introductions without barriers happened but I think he'll be just fine. He crowed quite a bit when he first arrived but all my girls are a quiet bunch and without any other roosters within earshot, he's become quieter and quieter each day. I love the sound of a rooster crow but that sound carries far where we live and I can't say all who can hear it would agree, especially on foggy days. His internal alarm clock has also changed since his arrival here and he doesn't start crowing until nearly 6 am and that gets a little later each day. This is also pleasing. He's a good boy, just anxious to be part of the flock.

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