Beginning coop construction...

Made quite a dent in the workload today. I'll be caulking everything really well this weekend while the husband is gone this weekend and if I can slap a coat of paint in it on Monday, we can put the roof on on Tuesday. We can get the doors and hardware in on Wednesday and maybe get the nest boxes done on Thursday. No rain projected through Thursday for our neck of the woods, so I feel confident we can get all the inner workings done before we do get anymore rain.





It's easier to do all this work when you have a good helper...


Worked on the nesting boxes a bit today... We messed up a smidge by not leaving them low enough so the roof of the nesting boxes would be below the siding. So we either have to tear the roof off and cut the height of the boxes a smidge or figure out something else to keep the water out. But really, I want it done right so we'll probably just tear it off tomorrow. We have a good over hang on the actual roof so it coukd potentially protect the lower roof but maybr not so much in wind driven situations I think. But the general idea for the boxes is that they will open from the front for easy egg retrieval and to easily sweep the boxes out when we need to clean them.

We probably would have got more done except we there together a quick chicken tunnel with a hidey hole so we could take the chicks outside for the first time.



We were outside with them and they seemed to like it. The kids, including the neighboring kids just loved them haha.





I think there are more pictures than work today haha. Got the roost up and the door on the nesting boxes. The roost bar is easily removed as we mounted hurricane ties for it to slide into. We still need to add chains to the nesting box door so it doesn't just slam open and wear on the hinges more than necessary. The closures are two hasps. We have cheap 97 cent caribeaners on them now but we'll put locking caribeaners on it when the chickens actually move in.

And a picture gallery wouldn't be complete without my husband acting goofy!!!
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