Belgian Watermaal Bantams - a cousin fo d'Anvers/d'Uccles!(pic heavy)

Sounds promising. If you are so inclined, feel free to post pictures of your progress. I'd love to see how the strain progresses. I plan on getting some photos of some of the birds I hatched this year up, but it probably won't be until December when they've matured out (got a late start this year because of college).
Kristen, I am really looking forward to starting on my Watermaal project next year. Here is what I have to start with. They are not very good Pyncheons, white legs, way too white, some domed skulls.

It's hard to see in the picture but they do have a couple extra points at the back of their combs. Left over from the Polish in their ancestry?

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Yes I think I can make out the extra points. This is looking good for your project. What variety are you going for?
It would be really cool to get Mottleds too - seems like that might be the next natural progression? I am looking forward to pics of your F1s. For some reason none of the eggs in my last batch of Watermaals hatched. I did have them under a hen though, so maybe she flaked out on me when I wasn't looking. Anyway, I've set about 10 more, so we'll see what transpires. So far I've only hatched 5 this year (hence the supplemental settings).
I agree mottles would be the fastest but I would have to buy birds and build more pens. I have a dozen millie hens but I really don't like the type on them. I ham hatching version 2.0 on the millies now and I hope the will be better. If they are I may use them. I was also thinking quail by way of buff columbian ( bb red d'anver x pyncheon then F1's X quail) for some reason that makes sense to me, not sure why but it keeps going through my head. Any thoughts about that?
Honestly I wouldn't worry about color in the beginning. Go for type first. Whatever variety you have the very best type and health and vigor in is what you need. Color is relatively easy to manipulate. Type less so. Vigor and hatchability, even less. As you will be doing some careful line-breeding to set some traits, it may be good to keep in mind that the hybred vigor only lasts one or two generations max before you start reverting back to the ancestral characteristics of one line or the other. Personally my ultimate priority is health and vigor, followed very closely by type. It will deliver you dividends in the future.

Edited to add:
ChickenFrenzie - thanks, on behalf of the breeds. The Watermaal and Pyncheon both are in need of a few more admirers.
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