Best way to hold chickens


Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2020
East Central Illinois
I am not sure where to post this thread since it is not an emergency or if it’s been discussed on here before (I tried searching the site) but what are the best ways to handle a chicken for exams and treatments?

I am treating my hen for bumble-foot again. During the last course of treatment I was holding her on her back wrapped in a towel and cradled in my arm. She was not happy and struggled as I gently turned her over but I got the job done. I decided to research more on a better way to hold her this time. I read that her being still in that position is more of a fear response than actually being calm. This bothers me. Can someone confirm or deny this theory? Can I hold her in a different position to make her more comfortable?

I am on my own until Monday but need to continue treatments. Thanks!
It's a duck for this image, but the thought is the same. See how her legs are straight behind her? Most chickens will go the same way, so you can bundle and football tuck the bird and rest her on your leg while sitting. While holding her in that position, you can use her stretched leg to get to the underside of her foot
It's a duck for this image, but the thought is the same. See how her legs are straight behind her? Most chickens will go the same way, so you can bundle and football tuck the bird and rest her on your leg while sitting. While holding her in that position, you can use her stretched leg to get to the underside of her foot
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That is a great photo to demonstrate. Thank you for sharing. It is also hilarious because that duck has a real 'WTH' expression on her face!
It's a duck for this image, but the thought is the same. See how her legs are straight behind her? Most chickens will go the same way, so you can bundle and football tuck the bird and rest her on your leg while sitting. While holding her in that position, you can use her stretched leg to get to the underside of her foot
View attachment 3570354
My son held her in a similar way yesterday but I can see how to adjust it appropriately now. I’m glad we are on the right track! But I did not get her bandages on well. He is young and I am still learning to bandage well so that is more than half the struggle I’m sure.

I just attempted that position by myself and was able to examine, spray and apply prid without too much fussing and no panting! I did wrap her to prevent her from flapping her wings.
Unfortunately, I could not bandage her on my own. It will take plenty of practice to get there but I will have a lot of that this weekend 🤷🏼‍♀️

I am so happy I asked! Thank you! I hope this can help others also.

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