Beware Lancaster Fancy Fowl

Neloncholy88, ok, so their birds aren't the best birds out there. If you don't like it, order elsewhere.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

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Atlants Peeps,
Thanks for chiming in. I can't go somewhere else. I guess you don't know this but their contagious, as is the soil and the coop, all must die first.

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I do not think that this is excusable. Birds belong in fresh air with LOTS of room outside to forage and be birds. If breeding them in an operation keeps one from allowing them to be happy, then it just should not be done. This is what happens when people keep confinement operations where they sell birds and babies like objects - disease and epidemics.
OK, I admit I have never bought any chicks from Lancaster Fancy Fowl, so I really can't make any recommendations, suggestions or accusations...... But, before any more crap is posted here, I have a question for all of you that are discussing his facilities.

How many of you have bought chicks that came from a hatchery? Or a feed store? Or off of Craigs List (some one bought 300 chicks and is reselling them?)

How do you know that your chick's didn't come from a set up just like LFF? One of you mentioned that chickens need to be out in the fresh air doing chicken things. I have chickens that have never been out of my chicken house. I have neighbors who do not keep their dogs home. Some of my chickens have NEVER free ranged. Are you going to say I should not have chickens, that I am mistreating them and am a terrible Chicken Mama?
OK, I admit I have never bought any chicks from Lancaster Fancy Fowl, so I really can't make any recommendations, suggestions or accusations...... But, before any more crap is posted here, I have a question for all of you that are discussing his facilities.

How many of you have bought chicks that came from a hatchery? Or a feed store? Or off of Craigs List (some one bought 300 chicks and is reselling them?)

How do you know that your chick's didn't come from a set up just like LFF? One of you mentioned that chickens need to be out in the fresh air doing chicken things. I have chickens that have never been out of my chicken house. I have neighbors who do not keep their dogs home. Some of my chickens have NEVER free ranged. Are you going to say I should not have chickens, that I am mistreating them and am a terrible Chicken Mama?
Well, yes, I am saying that. If they have stayed in a building their whole life, you are not giving them a quality of life they deserve. Even if they have never known better, and their bedding may be clean and they have nice foods, they would still be happier if they could go outside. If one can not afford to make them an area with outdoor access, even if it has to be dog-proof, then that person should not have birds.

Yes, I know what hatcheries and the common backyard chicken mill is like, and that is why I do not get birds from them. Sometimes I will take in birds from really bad, possibly diseased places, but I call that 'rescuing'. No one should be allowed to treat birds like hatcheries do just to make money off of them.
OK, I admit I have never bought any chicks from Lancaster Fancy Fowl, so I really can't make any recommendations, suggestions or accusations...... But, before any more crap is posted here, I have a question for all of you that are discussing his facilities.

How many of you have bought chicks that came from a hatchery? Or a feed store? Or off of Craigs List (some one bought 300 chicks and is reselling them?)

How do you know that your chick's didn't come from a set up just like LFF? One of you mentioned that chickens need to be out in the fresh air doing chicken things. I have chickens that have never been out of my chicken house. I have neighbors who do not keep their dogs home. Some of my chickens have NEVER free ranged. Are you going to say I should not have chickens, that I am mistreating them and am a terrible Chicken Mama?

Just to add food for thought:

At hatcheries, Strombergs, Meyers, My Pet Chicken...none of those breeders go outside and roam around. They are giant warehouses... Not miles and miles of different breeding pens filled with grass that you would like to imagine.

Have you even been to a local breeder/shower operation? Same way, although some roos might get an 2x3 outdoor area or pairs might get an outside 2x3 area. Some people certainly do more, that depends on the scale of the operation.

LFF set up is pretty decent, actually. The pairs have large runs (guessing 4x8) with tons ventilation. The wall is half window....

I was told that after breeding season...the birds are divided up and do roam in the different fields on the farm. No hatchery bird ever has that chance, I am pretty sure.

And of course, where do alllll those little roosters go?

The facility was clean - for chicken keeping, (farm clean) it's not a hospital :) And it's a small scale.

Watch a hatchery video sometime. easy to find on youtube... enlightening!
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So glad you posted this. I feel so badly about the things posted here.

Wonderful info on MG - 95% is huge! And how many people don't realize that!! I have not read that here on BYC in all of the information shared about MG. I will definitely look into that one further.

What this says to me is that, If you have chickens, you probably have MG in your flock. It's egg transmitted also, is that correct? So even if you never bought a chicken, or traded a chicken or had chicks shipped...even if you hatched eggs (you probably have MG in your flock, because the eggs came from somewhere... So summing it all up, It would actually be quite rare to NOT have MG.

**I hope to be able to have a local hatchery accessible to us in the future.

Just to add food for thought:

At hatcheries, Strombergs, Meyers, My Pet Chicken...none of those breeders go outside and roam around. They are giant warehouses... Not miles and miles of different breeding pens filled with grass that you would like to imagine.

Have you even been to a local breeder/shower operation? Same way, although some roos might get an 2x3 outdoor area or pairs might get an outside 2x3 area. Some people certainly do more, that depends on the scale of the operation.

LFF set up is pretty decent, actually. The pairs have large runs (guessing 4x8) with tons ventilation. The wall is half window....

I was told that after breeding season...the birds are divided up and do roam in the different fields on the farm. No hatchery bird ever has that chance, I am pretty sure.

And of course, where do alllll those little roosters go?

The facility was clean - for chicken keeping, (farm clean) it's not a hospital :) And it's a small scale.

Watch a hatchery video sometime. easy to find on youtube... enlightening!
Just because everyone else does wrong, does not make it okay for them to do it, too. It may be better, but it is still bad and should not be done.

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