Beware of dilapidated fences!


14 Years
Jun 26, 2008
I wanted to post a story about something that happened to my flock earlier this month.
The fence between a neighbor and I is a 50-60 year old dilapidated wood fence. I had not really thought much about it, since the tenant who lives next door does not own a dog. The owner of the house next door is really cheap, and it had probably not occurred to my husband to urge him to go in on a new fence. After all, it was difficult enough to get him to trim his huge trees.
Anyway, one day my husband was getting ready to go to work and he let our hens out of the coop. Everything was fine for a couple of minutes until he heard the chickens making a racket in the back yard. He ran outside and found two dogs attacking our chickens. One, which appeared to be a pit bull, had one of our RIR hens pinned and was attacking her with his mouth. My husband chased the dogs off and they ran back into the neighbor's yard. The dogs had broken down the fence in order to get into our yard. After inquiring with the neighbor on the other side, she said that the tenant was "dog watching", she was concerned because later that afternoon when she was in her front yard, the dogs were in the front yard too (apparently they had broken through another dilapidated fence) and were barking at her and her children. I was very upset because I had no idea that two dogs, especially a pit bull, was living next door. A different neighbor's pit bull attacked a lady last year. I am just amazed at these happenings. My family has lived here for over 50 years, this is a very nice neighborhood and this is my first experience with this sort of thing.
The owner apologized to my husband and has nailed boards and other materials to the fence to close the gaps in it. He and my husband agreed to go in on a new fence. He promised that the dogs would be gone soon. I believe they were gone by the next day.
This was a real close call. The lesson that I wanted to impart to you all is that if you have a dilapidated fence in between you and a neighbor, and haven't really given the safety of your hens much thought because you believe the neighbor does not own any animals, you must have a discussion with the subject of your hens' safety with the neighbor! The neighbor probably didn't realize that the dogs would do what they did. She was innocent but thoughtless. She's been living there for years and should know that the fence was practically falling down in the place where the dogs eventually broke through.
The hen that was pinned is still missing most of her tail feathers. The whole flock was traumatized but the next day seemed much better.
Thank you for posting that. I have new neighbors with a large dog and constantly have to watch my hens while they free range. This dog will run up and down the fence looking at my hens while they pick and peck and forage. fence is not that old but I'm still so afraid b/c this dog is so large. I am always looking for run down boards now to replace older ones but they are not on my side of the yard. Ahh, what to do?
Sorry this happened to you
but I am glad that your hen is okay. I would hope that you and your neighbor can get a better fence built. I am sure she never thought that these dogs would have done this. Now I am going to replace some boards in my fence that I think need fixed. Thanks for the reminder that this needs to be done.
Sorry you are having to deal with this. I am a fence nut so it may just be me,but I would fence my yard up even if the neighbors installed a new fence. And having a stray I caught in my yard(gate was open) climb OVER my fence I know no fence is 100% safe.

After a dog attacked mine,and a pit at the back door of the neighbors house I try to keep something handy as a weapon. I used to coax dogs to me,and then get the owner or call AC,but no more.

I have new neighbors with dogs in the back. No fence for their yard. I know either theirs or mine could start digging or climbing,so I am keeping some mace in my pocket.In the least a squirt gun with vinegar!
Having the same problem here. Finally got the neighbors to agree to go in half with us on a new cedar stockade fence. It wasn't easy though. When we moved here, there were no dogs on any side of us, now there are 4, 3 on one side and they constantly foster more and another on the other side. I love dogs but hate it when they fight and bark at me whenever I am in my yard. And I'm always afraid one will bowl through the "dilapidated fence" or dig under a good one.

I'm glad your hens made it through ok.

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