Bird watching

We have all kinds of Black-headed Grosbeaks this year. Haven't seen any Rose-breasted Grosbeaks though, yet anyway.

Western Bluebird momma is diligently incubating her eggs in one of the nest boxes, 2 or 3 eggs, I can't see all the way in. They are due to hatch Friday or Saturday!!

A Nuthatch has built a nest in the porch rafters, I haven't climbed up there yet to see if there are eggs in the nest. I should get out the ladder and go have a peek!
Here are the 2 varieties of grosbeaks I have seen around here. I haven't seen an evening grosbeak in over 30 years.

Rose breasted


Evening pair


We have all kinds of Black-headed Grosbeaks this year.

Once, 2 years ago, I had a female black headed grosbeak at our sunflower feeder. Not sure how she got blown up this way.
Love those Evening Grosbeaks!! We used to have them but they are rare visitors anymore? Not sure why. The Rose-breasted occasionally come this far west however the past 5 years I have had a few at my feeders.

Do you get the Blue Grossbeaks? I usually see them as they are migrating south, so mid to later summer.
That's a good idea. I'm going to try but it's not one widow.. it's the whole front of the house. She is up early before dawn and basically bounces around the deck, roof and windowsills . At first I thought she was a bird that was kept in that somehow got out of her cage but no she's a wild bird . I think I'm going to try to get those blackbird stick on's for the window I've seen them before and people use them so that birds don't fly into the window . Thanks for the advice
Here are the 2 varieties of grosbeaks I have seen around here. I haven't seen an evening grosbeak in over 30 years.

Rose breasted
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View attachment 1034886

Evening pair

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Once, 2 years ago, I had a female black headed grosbeak at our sunflower feeder. Not sure how she got blown up this way.

I have the two top ones and I probably seen the other two on the bottom but they probably mixed with the goldfinches . They are beautiful
Probably what we just call a blackbird around here. They are kinda crow like. But martins do have a purple shine but smaller than a blackbird. You can tell by the way they fly. They are in the swallow family so have a graceful swooping motion when they fly.

That makes sense or maybe grackle?

You should have purple martins in your area in the spring summer months. They don't usually come to the ground to eat though they eat bugs in the air so they don't come to feeders. They are fun to watch. People where I live used to put up houses for them like crazy. I've noticed you don't see near as many houses as you used to and its sad because they have come to depend on them over the years. I think that's why I have so many. So many older people who cared for them are gone now or in the nursing home and the younger people just aren't into it as much these days.

I heard they cant make their own nests anymore? Sad :(

View attachment 878057 Love watching them raise their families every year!


Wow, I have been awol from this thread!! :oops: I have a Tom Turkey pic somewhere, Blue Birds nesting in one box, Chickadees in the other and explosion of Goldfinches!!! :)

Hope everyones birdies are doing well!! :)

Welcome back!

Wow lots of birds!

I haven't seen any nests or babies :(

But I also haven't actively looked lol

saw some king birds today, some wild ducks (mallards) have yet to see a pin tail duck this year though (i really like pin tail ducks)


Here's the daily displaying Tom at the bird bath. The pic is a bit washed out (my phone stinks) but this is as close as he let me get. LOL Oh and thats a mini Big Foot to the left. LOL

Wow he's pretty

The picture you posted was a catbird.

You want some bunnies and deer for home? Please come and take some! We have no shortage of turkeys either.

Heck my parents are just north of Boston and they have residential turkeys. Two hens were perched on their deck eating out of the tube feeders last week.

Thanks, i figured

LOL yes I would love some! Well, we have lots of bunnies. But I'll take some deer and bring the turkeys back!

Wow bold turkeys!

Our squirrels are getting bold, them and chipmunks, busted into bird feed, spilled majority of the bag, we finally swept it off the deck and dumped the rest in the yard, the birds and animals ate it all. I'm glad cause the jerks were only eating the sunflower seeds and wasting the rest lol and there is a chipmunk family under our deck getting fat. Anyway, putting it on a stump, the birds ate the rest of the seed. Then they busted into the corn. And before the bird seed or corn it was half a bag of BOSS. Anyway, all this was on the deck for a while so they wpuld climb up so being so close to us, they lost a little fear. When I went out they'd run away but then not jump on a tree or anything, they'd wait to see if I was going away anytime soon until I ran them fully off LOL and they would climb INSIDE the bag and stuff their fat faces. Then barrel out when I went outside lol but anyway, my point with the boldness is they had chewed a hole in the side of the corn so my dad put it next to the chicken run so they could peck it. I didn't necessarily approve but they didn't eat tons of it. Anyway, the squirrels found it again and are going in it. So today around 5 or 6 I let the girls out and am taking pictures and I notice a squirrel on/in the bag again and I shoo him off but he only runs a short distance away, like barely moved, and stsred at me till i made noise and ran him off. And my dad watched the whole thing and said he approached while I was outside. I hadn't seen him till he was on the bag but the fact he approached with myself and the chickens out and didn't run.... fearless bugger lol

So anyway, I took the bag, poured a bunch out on the stumps, then dragged it to the front yard, dumped some under a feeder for the birds, then dragged it up the hill, making a little trail as I went due to the hole, and dumped the rest, which was a lot, in two places up there for the deer and turkey lol

Sorry, this is more a wildlife thread post haha

went for a drive today, and saw quite a few birds here are some i know of,
Canada geese with goslings,
canvas back ducks
or they could have been a red head duck (not sure i just know if they have a red head they are awesome to eat)
mallard ducks
some blue wing teal (IMO best duck to hunt and eat)
i think some snipes
other shore birds
sea gulls (or just gulls here as there is no sea)
ravens or crows (not sure the difference)
those are the ones i can think of.

Wow sooo many!!! Youhave a lot of ducks!

Ahhh yes. What is wrong with me! Cat bird of course. Haven't seen one for a long time I guess. I used to have one years ago that come and eat the jelly I put out for the oriels.

LOL awesome

I was raised bird watching. My grandpa always talked to me about birds and taught me what they were and what bird sounds we were hearing. He is in the nursing home now and most of our conversations are still about birds when I go see him!

Wow that is really special and cool

oh and some butterball ducks (i think there called ruddy ducks, i shot one once and my grandpa told me it was a butter ball duck and sure enough when we cleaned/plucked it and then cooked it up it was like a little butter ball.)

okay there called bufflehead ducks, (and reading they supposed to be awful to eat, lol i really enjoyed it.)

Lol wow

Don't feel bad! I've been having some tough times as of late myself. I figure everyone's lives are probably as busy as mine so we reply when we have time and a mind to lol

Thank you!! I'm back :D

Our baby robins are growing quickly. They are starting to overflow their nest! It won't be long before they are out and about. I'll have to get a picture of them before they leave.

Awesome! Please do

I have three ducklings about two months old I let them out daily to play in the yard. The last couple days the robins are landing so close to them and lookin at them like they are the intruders in their yard!!! The ducks stare back at them and watch them pull up worms, I'm waiting for the fight to be on!

That is hilarious!

I like when I can spot a robin nest if its in a low branch or somewhere not in convenient.. The crazy things always seem to wanna put their nest somewhere you don't want it. My parents used to hang rubber snakes all over their deck roof to keep them away.. One time a robin made a nest right on top of the rubber snake! Persistent they are!


I have a small bird that has a nest under my window. It sees it's reflection in the glass and attacks itself all night long and very very early in the morning. I've been hearing him thump for 2 weeks now:) I put 3 feeders up . One is filled with cracked corn and that's where I'm training the squirrels to eat( it's been working). Lots of robins on the grass. I do have quite a few grosbeak though. Also I'm honored with the presence of a large orange headed pileator woodpecker once in a while. Tons of Bluejays but no cardinals yet. I have to say that I do enjoy having coffee in the morning and watching the birds.

I need to actually get outside and watch the birds more :)

Could you put something in tour window to make it less reflective like maybe a piece of paper or something taped to the part where she can see?

I second this

We have all kinds of Black-headed Grosbeaks this year. Haven't seen any Rose-breasted Grosbeaks though, yet anyway.

Western Bluebird momma is diligently incubating her eggs in one of the nest boxes, 2 or 3 eggs, I can't see all the way in. They are due to hatch Friday or Saturday!!

A Nuthatch has built a nest in the porch rafters, I haven't climbed up there yet to see if there are eggs in the nest. I should get out the ladder and go have a peek!

That is awesome :)

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