Black Copper Marans discussion thread

sonew123, you are running 75% roos. . . . WOW
Perhaps, you mating males are not feeling secure and are trying to ensure the survival of their genetic lines. . .
Have you hugged your roo today and told him how happy you are with him ?
Newbies and Lurkers... Pop in and say 'hi".... we can see ya out there!!
All are welcome here!!! Just throw a smiley up!!!

I know this is jumping the gun a little but I am stealing spring from last year... Just spreading it around.

Hey lets look at head shot of birds.... While we talk about color and other things... I am particularly interested in the shape of the birds head??? anyone else have that as a favorite point of interest... I know there are comb lovers... any skull fanciers?

Thanks MathAce! Mind if I cut and paste it to the front page as a template???

I am starting at the top of the list... head..... (skull) Let's discuss it and look at it.... Please post.

This is my favorite presentation. This is what I personally like to see in a bird... I know everyone fancies somethng different but did you know that the french address this in their standard??? the bantam has a different standard than the LF. (I know we don't have many bantams out there but it is good point)
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Geebs - - - I love your check off list and will cut and paste it for my critiques.


comb and wattles
Eye color is : Light, red orange (perfect), or too dark
Ear coverts: Light, brown/ copper (perfect) , or too dark
Beak horn:
Shape of rooster:
Color balance in saddle to hackle area - - too light, Perfect ( copper / mahogony), too dark
Shank color:
Back (slope and width):
Hey PrettyPoultry. I see that your picture got lost in the discussion . . . I will need to edit this a couple of times to finish it, but I am working on it. NEWBIES, this is a GREAT way to get a feel for what needs improvement in your flock. See if you notice the same things that others do. . .


Head: Nice size as compared to neck.

comb and wattles: 4 points from what I can tell. .. Should be 5 points.
Not a biggie, it is 1/2 point deduction for each missing or additional point.

Eye color is : Looks good from the picture - - red orange (perfect)

Ear coverts: brown/ copper is the standard - I would call his black or too dark. We will have to see what others say.

Beak horn: Dark is the standard - - so its good

Shape of rooster: Very nice shape to rooster. The neck flows into the chest and back smoothly.

Color balance in saddle to hackle area - - The color balance is good.
The color is bordering on too dark for my tastes. This could just be the picture ( low light).
If it is not the picture, I would be very careful no to pair this boy up with another hen that is dark.
I would be afraid the offspring would hit the too dark zone.

Tail: Other than the ONE sickle feather, the angle looks great.

Shank color: Dark Gray - - I am saying OK, but after the recent discussions - - who knows?

Feathering: I think I see a white feather in this birds hackle area - - -

Back (slope and width): Slope looks good. Width can not tell from picture. I think the back may be on the short side. He is walking in this picture and I think it is making the back look longer than it really is. This may effect the normal tail angle too.

Sorry, this took so long. I had to take the kids to the bus in between.
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For me, as long as it is at the very least a 4 on the color chart, then I still have myself a Marans and so there for, if that particular bird has some qualities and traits that I like or are acceptable, then I will breed her and set her eggs, no rules saying we can't. If the hen lays an egg that at some point in her cycle is a #4 or better than she is considered a Marans and by all means the same genes that made her lay that one dark egg is still there......those genetics don't change from egg to egg or from day to day, IMO.

If Marans weren't suppose to lay a range of egg colors, then why do we have a color chart that gives us 6 acceptable egg colors?
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ADozengirls: I saw your post a couple day ago... Wow... nice hatch.. super cute chicks and what a coool bator.. do you like the Brinsea and is the the goofproof 10???

I tried to post a link to the pix but well... the puter is being mean... It is on page 4 if everyone didn't get to peek at them... Super cute.. any more photos... Do you tag them so you can watch their progress as they age??? It s kinda fun. I am wondering why some chicks have yellow down and others black.. what does this say for them as adults?
Back to leg color for a minute please.

Is this the leg color we are after per the proposed standard?

These belong to my very very dark blue copper roo Bill. Yes, he's a can see that by the size of his legs and feet compared to my hand.

These belonged to his Black Copper son Junior. Sorry not the best photo.

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