Black Copper Marans discussion thread

My BCM eggs hatched yesterday, 6 out of 9 hatched... not to bad for shipped eggs
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Hi everyone! I have a quick question for anyone who knows. This is my first time raising a Black Copper Maran and I was really hoping for a hen but every day I'm thinking that I probably have a roo because she/he has a lot more color than any of the adult females that I've seen. She/he is very friendly, 7 weeks old and larger than the others chicks that are the same age. Any opinions are appreciated, thanks!

Hi everyone! I have a quick question for anyone who knows. This is my first time raising a Black Copper Maran and I was really hoping for a hen but every day I'm thinking that I probably have a roo because she/he has a lot more color than any of the adult females that I've seen. She/he is very friendly, 7 weeks old and larger than the others chicks that are the same age. Any opinions are appreciated, thanks!

This looks to be an off colored Hatchery BC Marans, Sorry.
Snowbird - What do you mean by "off colored Hatchery"? I gather that the coloring is wrong? but is Hatchery a line or... I have no intentions of breeding so personally I don't mind if the color isn't right, but I really don't know much about them other than the little bit I've been able to research. All I know about this little guy is that the feed store said they had BCM eggs "sitting around" so they threw them into an incubator and this is what hatched out. Looking back I probably should have been a little more selective in my pickings but I just really wanted a BCM for the dark eggs! I didn't really want a roo but the kids are attached so I'm hoping that if it is a boy he will be mellow enough that I can keep him.
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Snowbird - What do you mean by "off colored Hatchery"? I gather that the coloring is wrong? but is Hatchery a line or... I have no intentions of breeding so personally I don't mind if the color isn't right, but I really don't know much about them other than the little bit I've been able to research. All I know about this little guy is that the feed store said they had BCM eggs "sitting around" so they threw them into an incubator and this is what hatched out. Looking back I probably should have been a little more selective in my pickings but I just really wanted a BCM for the dark eggs! I didn't really want a roo but the kids are attached so I'm hoping that if it is a boy he will be mellow enough that I can keep him.

All the brown on his chest is off colored. Most feed store Marans will not lay Dark colored eggs.

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