Black Copper Marans discussion thread

If someone doesn't critque you roo soon, I will. I've got some things I have to take care of first. I, just, didn't want you to think that no one was going to respond.
rottnjen: He is a pretty boy. I like him. I can't see his comb or feet good enough to evaluate. I like his copper coloring, good balance. I really like his long back and slope to his tail. Other than that one feather which is probably falling out or something I really like his tail. He has nice shank feathering and a good stocky build. Good eye color from what I can see. I wouldn't kick him out of the coop
I think my girls would really like him and you should just send him to me LOL!
The Roo is good overall, Conformation, coloring is good nice black breast, eye color looks good, the tail is lacking somewhat in fullness alone whick makes angle etc not easy to place really, but overall a very nice BC Rooster.

I like his black breast, I don't know if his hackles are fading to a little straw colored of if it is the picture. The hackels look lighter than the back.

I would like to see a photo looking down at his back. From the angle in the picture, he looks like he narrows from the shoulders to the rear a little more than I'd like. Although, he appears to be very wide in the front, so maybe its an optical illusion?
But definitely a keeper!
Wow! Thanks everyone! flgardengirl, anytime one of your girls wants to take a vacation in Arizona, send her my way. I'm sure Chappy wouldn't mind too much.
I'll try to get another shot of him tomorrow. I won't even bother to try to photograph my poor hens -- I have too many roosters right now (anyone want a few Barnevelder roos??) and my lil hennies are getting plucked!

Now I'm curious though. Marans aren't accepted into the APA yet, right? I looked on the APA site and couldn't find them on the list, unless I'm overlooking them. Are there special Marans shows? I would love to get into showing my chickens. I showed my dogs for awhile but man, that does get expensive!
Thanks and those instructions were more helpful than me muddling through.


Hi Seabreeze, I'm new here and a total computer retard, but this is what I did: hit your "reply" button to start your post, then hit "Uploads" from up above by the BYC Forum header. That will open a new screen. Hit "choose file" and pick out your picture, and then hit "submit." It will automatically resize your picture for the forum's specifications. There are going to be two boxes that come up, one will say image or "img" or something like that. Highlight the text inside the box -- the WHOLE thing -- and then hit control C on your keyboard. This makes a copy. Then switch back to your post and hit control V from your keyboard. That will enter the code for the image on your post. I hope I'm being helpful and not redundant for anyone else!
Hi Seabreeze, I'm new here and a total computer retard, but this is what I did: hit your "reply" button to start your post, then hit "Uploads" from up above by the BYC Forum header. That will open a new screen. Hit "choose file" and pick out your picture, and then hit "submit." It will automatically resize your picture for the forum's specifications. There are going to be two boxes that come up, one will say image or "img" or something like that. Highlight the text inside the box -- the WHOLE thing -- and then hit control C on your keyboard. This makes a copy. Then switch back to your post and hit control V from your keyboard. That will enter the code for the image on your post. I hope I'm being helpful and not redundant for anyone else!

I don't care whether he's up to standard or not... that's one handsome boy!
Do any of you keep your breeders in a separate coop year round or do you have free ranging flocks and separate the breeders just for certain times of the year? I have the space and the ability to build whatever I need. Any advice or ideas would be appreciated. My FBCM are young and currently in the coop and free ranging all daylight hours with my mixed age/breeds flock of 55 chickens. I want to breed quality birds and may end up keeping several roo/hen matches to try for the best possible breeding combos. I did a breeding last summer with my NH roo and 6 WL hens to replace my egg layers. I separated them in the back 1/2 of my coop with heavy deer netting (it is fairly large) for two weeks (should be 30 days if other roos are running around?), collected eggs to incubate for the next 2 weeks then turned them all loose again. For the first week they were very agitated, especially when I opened the door in the mornings and let the non-breeders out. After the first week they settled in and did not seem to mind too much. My FBCM seem much more mellow than the WL so maybe that makes things easier? If you move them to a separate coop for breeding how do you incorporate them back into the main flock after you have collected all the eggs you want? Also, in some of my other breeds, at about 4 weeks, the extra roos start causing lots of trouble with the flock so I usually butcher them. With my FBCM I may have 4-5 roos that I want to pick one or two from and I know you should wait till about 6 mos. to decide on the culls. What do you all do for batchelor pads?? Lots of questions but I would love to know what has worked for others and I want to do what is best for the boys and girls!

Welcome to Seabreeze!!! I live in Jefferson! I am not confident or experienced enough yet to do critiques but I love your Roo!!!!!

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