Black Copper Marans ORIGINAL French Chickens For Sale!!!

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Hi everybody, Boy is this weather something else. We had a scare last night , but all is well here. our neighbor had a large tree come down across their drive, It took several hours to get that thing cut up. Chickens are all well and we are hatching every week. Black coppers are still doing well. How about all of you are your chicks laying yet? How about egg color. Have you got any nice colors?.

Jesse, Janice Two Great Perinese dogs, Amber and Brutus, Black Coppers and several other breeds , so I can have eggs to eat.
Hi Jesse and Janice, so glad to hear you are doing well.
The chicks I got from you in September have been laying for about a month now.
Their egg color is getting darker as each week goes by.
Some started out with dark splotches on the eggs and eventually the color of the egg became that solid dark color like the splotches were and some are laying a dark egg with even darker speckles.
I like both, very cool looking eggs and people love them.
I am very happy with the quality of the birds and the egg color.
Best wishes to you both.
Hey Jess & Janice....all is well. I'm doing good, marans are doing good, club doing well too.

Found some Wheatons in them there black coppers Partner!
Starting a line of them.

I'm glad you are safe. I think we are all in the line of fire this year with storms. .

Call soon,
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Mine have been laying for some time, pretty consistently, and they're more broody than my Orpingtons!

I've culled down from the original 20 to a small group of about 4 hens and one rooster to breed my next generation from, and will just keep going and culling, culling, culling from there.

Most of the birds that I allowed to get to laying age are producing good color. A couple aren't, so one of them is in the laying flock, and I haven't identified the other culprit yet.

Conformation-wise, I'm pretty happy with my 3 best hens, and I'm bringing in other bloodlines to hopefully improve on the roosters. All in all, you provided me a very good start in this breed.
do you have any chicks for sale currently? or keets? pm with details please if you do. thanks, amy
Hi everyone, it sure is quiet out there. I guess the economy is affecting everyone, it seems that the market for Black Coppers sure has cooled off. But if there is anyone out there that still wants them we are still hatching every week. We probably could make some good deals on them. Thanks Jesse and Janice
I am interested in purchasing a few chicks from you. Can you please tell me what your minimum order is, and if you ship?

Great looking rooster on your website Jessie. I like the nice copper color in his neck hackles. A lot of the BC roosters out there have too much straw color in that area.
Kinger, yes J&J ship pretty much anywhere. I believe Jesse told me the smallest order is 10 chicks, that's what I had him send me. It's important to have at least 10 in the box so they can share their body heat.

Jesse, I love the chicks you sent. They are about 5 weeks old now and like you said, feathers all down the legs and to the toes. Excellent quality birds and I just bid on another 12 on eggbid, fingers crossed. Thanks, Ron
We are thankful for all the orders, we have received from all of you and do enjoy the feed back from all of you. Because of the economy and price of postage, we have decided to reduce the price of our chicks to $8.00 for a while. until or if the economy picks up.

Thanks again to all of you. Jesse and Janice
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