Black Copper Marans ORIGINAL French Chickens For Sale!!!

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Well I knew this day would come. We have to go out of chicken business due to health reasons. Jesse' health is still not good and My back is gone. The Dr says back surgery, so we have to sell all our Black Coppers. So if there is anyone out there that would like to purchase 6 roos and about 25 hens please give us a call or send an email. We would like to sell the whole lot, but could sell them off in groups. if necesssary. Thanks to all of you . It has been good doing business with all of you.

Jesse and Janice
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Oh Gosh Janice I am so sorry to hear this. What a shame.

Back surgery is no fun, had a couple myself. I wish you a speedy recovery.
I hope Jesse's health improves and you both have a nice summer.

Good luck with rehoming the chickens, you have a beautiful flock.

I wish you all the best. Please keep us posted on how you both are doing.
I'm so sorry to hear of your health issues - chickens can require a lot of time and physical work.

I'd be interested in buying the whole flock. I'll send a PM with my phone number in case Mr. Jesse has lost it.

Monique "Ruth"
First off, I'm just sobbing as I read this posting. I so enjoyed my visit with you and Jesse last July...when we picked up our 10 chickies .....I to this day wish I could have gotten all 5.

I'll never forget your gracious and God filled hospitality you gave us and all the wonderful information about this precious breed of chickies.

I felt the love that both of you have had for your flock and so importantly the love for each other and for the Lord. You treated us with the kindness and courtesy reserved for royalty and we were strangers, and you took us in like family. You took so much time with Jacque and I to give us tips!

To this day, I'm still using so many of them, including how to get a hen off of being broody.

I would like to get your flock in its entirity and would keep them here in Bowdon, not for resale, together.

We've sold quite a few of the hatching eggs and we've sold a few baby chicks, pick up only. I think of each of you daily as we go out and see our purty birds. I know I cannot replace you as Momma and Pappa to them but Jacque and I vow to give them as much love as we possibly can and give the care and respect and treatment that you have since you got them.

Janice, I had Jacque call you because I know I was going to break down and blubber over Jesse still being ill and now you feeling poorly. You know I have had back problems and now my respiratories are at issue, but I'm retired now from my desk job and can putz around here at my pace and not have to rush.

Whatever decision you make, I respect it fully. You are the guardians of these hens and roosters.

I know you will be getting sooo many calls and e mails. Well may God hold and heal you and Jesse. May he continue to bless you with his presence and his comfort both now and forever more. Amen....

Moderator, I know I'm being too religious here for this board but these are some precious friends of ours.

Janice, if you get to feeling better and want to get back in this business,we'll get you reestablished as well. Like we talked about that July day, it's a privilege and honor to have these special birds....Such a blessing that they have been to us. Such a privilege to wrap those little eggs and pray over them while they travelled so many miles. And pray that wherever they were going, they would bring joy and a sense of hope and happiness and understanding of the miracle of birth and for us who are Christians, rebirth. Well, I'm out of Kleenex and I've got to go have a good cry. Just know that you both are very loved here in Bowdon. I best stop before I get kicked off this BYC board.
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Janice and Jesse,
I am deaply sadded by hearing this and would like to take your whole flock off your hands this weekend please email me or call and I will pick them all up this weekend , may God bless the both of you
Lori and Justin
Whoever it is that gets Jesse's flock please give us all notice, so we can keep track of those birds. I have some and I may want more in the future and this flock is special. Thank you, Ron

Monique, good luck, I hope you can maintain his flock if you get them.
Thank you. Mr. Jesse has named his price and I've told him I will take them. I also told him he isn't asking enough for them. I'm waiting to hear back. We'll see how it goes. I hope I can get them. I have the perfect outbuilding and area that will be a great Marans breeder home. They will have a good life here on the farm with my six dogs to protect them and they will get to free range like everyone else when not breeding. I'll let everyone know how it works out.
Thanks everyone for your kind words, We have not finalized a deal on the chickens yet so we still have chicks for sale, I'll post when we are down to the last ones if everything goes through. I have posted another picture of my eggs on my web site. Thanks Janice
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