Black Copper Marans - Time progression of sexing - UPDATED with WEEKs #1-3 PICTURES

I have 6 black copper marans chicks that are 2 - 3 days younger than yours. They are not nearly as developed as yours either:) Mine turned 3 weeks Monday, but they look more like your 2 week pictures. None have any red coloring on their combs or developing wattles yet. Maybe it is because of the hot temperatures here. I leave them outside all day and then bring them inside for the night. In the 90's last week and the 100's this week. Looking at mine right now, I see 2 that have bigger combs and they are the only two that like to chest bump, so I am hoping for 4 pullets:)

I took a few pics of my Marans today. Here is CopperTop


Here is Willow. Pretty sure she is a girl due to her very small, very dark comb.

This is Trooper. Starting to think roo, but not 100% sure yet

I have one Blue Copper Maran. We call this one Isaac/Isabella. I change my mind daily, sometimes hourly on this one!


It is hard to believe these babies are only a day younger than yours! Actually, Willow was born early in the morning on June 1st.
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I think your chicks are on steroids! They're as developped as 5-6 week old chicks lol
I know, right? We don't get it either. The ones that are super developed (#3, #4 & #5) have been fed the same food, same treats, same environment (hot temps), almost same everything. The only difference is we rigged up one of those chicken nipple waterers and used a sheetrock/spackle bucket and of course the Chinese-made chicken nipples. We are remodeling a bathroom and the bucket got emptied of sheetrock mud on Saturday, washed out on Sunday and filled with water on Monday. My husband wonders what's in spackle to make those chicks so big. Or is it something in the nipples or water tubing? Anyone else had something like this happen before?
They are all very cute. Were you hoping for all girls?
Of course! But, we also have a couple of Orpingtons that age (one pullet, one probably roo) and then three older Orps, so it is fine if two of these are roos. Just hoping the blue is a pullet. If it is a roo, we have a good friend wanting it. Win/win situation, really.
My 6 week old chicks all grew at different rates.... the girls started out bigger and then the boys past them up and kept going. With one exception - one little guy, bless his heart, he still has down fuzz and he's much smaller than all the others. I have no idea why! The others are almost fully feathered and 3x his size. It's crazy.
Took the 4 week pictures but didn't get time to post. Most look similar to the three week pictures. Boys very obvious by combs and wattles, girls still small combs that are yellow. Will try to post pictures tomorrow when I get back to town.

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