Black Copper Marans - Time progression of sexing - UPDATED with WEEKs #1-3 PICTURES

We’ve got two BCM’s... I’m thinking one might be a pullet and the other a ROO. They will be 3 weeks old tomorrow...

presumed pullet

Presumed roo

Another of the presumed pullet...

I’m really hoping one of them at least will be a hen!
I know it's early to tell what sex they are but I want to get early impressions of the genders. They are all 1 week old (born June1). There are 5 total babies and each has 3 pictures (except the last one Bebe - camera shy), so I am sorry for the heavy pictures. Also, kids picked the names and they are silly.

This is Chick #1 (Effie Trinkett)

This is Chick #2 (Tyson)

This is Chick #3 (Zane)

Chick #4 (Dakota)

Chick #5 (BeBe)

Any help you can offer will be appreciated. I will update pictures at about 3-4 weeks and we'll see how accurate your guesses are.
Looks like 2 little Roo's & 3 little hens. But they are cute & adorable

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