Black Sex-Link Picture Thread!

Yes, you will end up with similar coloring. But know that there is no sexlinking with your pairing. The Australorp could also produce a chick that is similar. 

That is okay, I don't mind them not being sex linked, I was just hoping we could tell the parentage when they hatched because we know what the parents look like as chicks. But that is not the case... :-D
. One of my 4 new girls she just started laying
Black Sex Links are an auto sexed breed. Meaning they can be sexed immediately after hatching and drying off.

Females are black with gold on the necks, and the males are usually spotted with white in them.

This is my cockerel Spots.This what a male Black Sex Link (BSL) would like it.Some usually are whither and and more silvery and grey.They also may have red through the body.

Se the black hen? That is what the hens generally look like. Some are a lot golden (Some almost are covered with orange/goldish colors).

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