Black Widow Spider!

It's alive in a clear container. I can see the abdomen and I see that there is one red spot and a kind of yellowing horizontal line. Then it has two more red dots on it's back. It is shiny black. The body is about 1/2 inch and has long pointed legs.

You CAUGHT it???

site says that they have 3 red markings that form an hourglass' And that 'males will have lighter streaks on their abdomens'. So I'm thinking it could maybe be a male? It doesn't say the 'red markings' have to be in an hourglass shape??

ETA: This is quoted directly from that site "The female has a shiny black, globular abdomen with two yellow or red markings in a triangle shape. It looks like an hourglass. Males are smaller, lighter in color, with light streaks on the abdomen."
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I have been searching since I first posted for the spider ID site that I used to help determined if my no-hourglass eight legger was indeed a widow. I finally found it. Have to remember to copy my favorites before I reformat my computer next time.

There is, however, considerable variation among individual widow spiders. Some have no hourglass markings. Most have a smaller red spot near the tip of the abdomen. There may be a line of red spots on the upper side of the abdomen, and northern widows often have white streaks on the sides of their abdomens.

From ... scroll down past the recluse to the widows
KILL IT! Kill them ALL! Before they kill you and everyone on the planet!
I hate spiders..they scare me.
I found a black widow in my chicken coop the other day. EATING A LIZARD it had caught in its web. Yes. A lizard.

Don't believe me?



I have a spider phobia. And a lizard phobia. I did not notice this until I was already inside the coop...and they were in the only doorway, at face level.

It was not pretty.

Kill them all.
I'll go along with that!
<-- there is room under my chair for other spider weenies ... no eight leggers allowed!

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