Blooie's Blankie Fort

Yess!!! lol

I'm with him.......

Though, I do plan to name my first showgirl (if I ever manage to find some) Lola and hang a sign on my silkie coop that says "Coopacabana". And my Roo will be "Tony" of course.

Mine is The Birdcage (because of my pretty-boy Armand)

I made a lighted sign:

I love it!!!
I love it!!!


Awesome!! I'm thinking if I can find my thing, of doing a woodburning sign.

My original plan was to mount it inside the run, above the coops, but it turned out to be ALOT of light! So I hung it outside. The light projects more into the yard, instead of inside the run.
The big incubator has an automatic turner so I don't turn those. It does a real good job, slow and steady and frequently. The Brinsea I move from upright, to down on the back side, then to the front, the back to the center so those are turned 3 times a day. With the bad air cells, I hesitate to turn them a lot.

They aren't looking good. Most of the floating air cells never did re-attach, a few of those that did are saddle shaped, and over 1/2 the eggs are now sporting large, obvious blood rings. There are at least 4 clears, one that had an almost invisible crack in it, and a couple that some of the more expert hatchers have called "funky looking." I'm sad, but hold out hope for the 5 or 6 that still have signs of life. I haven't pulled out my book and marked which are bad and which are good because I might see something new when I candle on Day 10, which is tomorrow. I think some of us are just not cut out to do this. Temps on all the thermometers are pretty steady at 99.5 and humidity is holding well at 45 - 50%. The ones I'm still thinking might make it are Green Magnolias and Olive Eggers. The Marans (both the Black and the Blue), the Cream Legbars, the Ameri-flowers and the Bielefelders all look pretty much gone.

Too many look like this. Ignore the red line at the top - Ken grabbed the fine point red sharpie in the dark instead of the black one that I wanted to use to mark air cells. But you can't ignore the red line at the bottom.

This is one of the bad air cells. Photo is a little blurry, sorry.
Hang in there, Blooie. I don't understand what is happening, I know nothing about the process, but wouldn't it be normal for a proportion of eggs not to hatch?
The big incubator has an automatic turner so I don't turn those. It does a real good job, slow and steady and frequently. The Brinsea I move from upright, to down on the back side, then to the front, the back to the center so those are turned 3 times a day. With the bad air cells, I hesitate to turn them a lot. They aren't looking good. Most of the floating air cells never did re-attach, a few of those that did are saddle shaped, and over 1/2 the eggs are now sporting large, obvious blood rings. There are at least 4 clears, one that had an almost invisible crack in it, and a couple that some of the more expert hatchers have called "funky looking." I'm sad, but hold out hope for the 5 or 6 that still have signs of life. I haven't pulled out my book and marked which are bad and which are good because I might see something new when I candle on Day 10, which is tomorrow. I think some of us are just not cut out to do this. Temps on all the thermometers are pretty steady at 99.5 and humidity is holding well at 45 - 50%. The ones I'm still thinking might make it are Green Magnolias and Olive Eggers. The Marans (both the Black and the Blue), the Cream Legbars, the Ameri-flowers and the Bielefelders all look pretty much gone. Too many look like this. Ignore the red line at the top - Ken grabbed the fine point red sharpie in the dark instead of the black one that I wanted to use to mark air cells. But you can't ignore the red line at the bottom. This is one of the bad air cells. Photo is a little blurry, sorry.
The blood rings are definitely goners, sorry!! But I had some really bad air cells on my last batch and I had 26 of 30 hatch. So don't give up on those!!!!
Nope, not yet....
Any that I'm not sure of stay!
That is what I do. People say some eggs go bad and might explode, but that must be so rare, and I would think it would be a cracked shell or something that could cause that. I have left questionable eggs in all the way to hatch date, and never had trouble.

Good luck!!! I'm setting a bunch more tonight, then more on Tuesday.

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