Blooie's Blankie Fort

I just posted over on another page about the new eggs. If it's okay I'll just copy and paste part of it here so I don't have to retype it on accounta I'm lazy.

Did the day 7 candling last night. So many floating air cells again. But this time we have more eggs that look good than not, unlike the last fiasco, so that's encouraging. Some of the air cells seem pretty doggone big for 7 days. Upped the humidity a bit and put a second hygrometer in there - both calibrated using the salt method. I have on one side of the incubator and the other directly diagonal from it on the other end. Checked this morning and they were dead on with each cool is THAT? Thermometers are another issue. Got 3, with 3 different temps reading. But they are all super close, so I'm going with it and hoping the law of averages works in my favor. The two bulb thermometers were calibrated, but it's a little hard to plunge the transmitter of a digital thermometer in ice water, stir and read. Yeah, that'd be accurate after it came out, right? If there is an error, is it better to err on the high side or the lower side?

I still have doubts about the 2 bantam eggs. Not sure I see anything in them at all, but Ken spotted a little dot in one. I don't see any obvious veining in them. The 3 Australorp eggs are so porous it's like trying to find a cobweb against a field of stars. So they stay too. The Silkie egg is just plain clear. Nothing, nada. Easter Egger and Leghorn look great - better than any of the eggs I had last time...very strong. But the air cells in both still wobble and bobble like mad. The Nankin has development and a distinct saddle bag shaped cell. The Naked Neck looks good on both counts. The Cochin is a total guessing game at this point - looks to be some development but man, the air cell is huge and wobbly.

So that I don't repeat the mistakes of last time, do the air cells just look large to me because they wobble? I don't turn them on their sides and candle through the air cell - they are held upright through the entire process with the light shining down through the air cells. Did you ever try to trace the outline of an air cell that's over here one minute, and bobbles over the other way when you slightly move your hand to re-position the egg to continue tracing? Like trying to catch a two year old after a birthday party....all over the place!

While the percentage of good eggs is higher in this group, there are still some shipping issues. NOT that you did anything wrong - they were extremely well packaged and shipped, and took almost no time to get here. It's just the nature of shipping something as fragile as eggs. And far be it from me to be donated those eggs and then got them shipped out very quickly and I sure appreciate it!
I just posted over on another page about the new eggs. If it's okay I'll just copy and paste part of it here so I don't have to retype it on accounta I'm lazy.

Did the day 7 candling last night. So many floating air cells again. But this time we have more eggs that look good than not, unlike the last fiasco, so that's encouraging. Some of the air cells seem pretty doggone big for 7 days. Upped the humidity a bit and put a second hygrometer in there - both calibrated using the salt method. I have on one side of the incubator and the other directly diagonal from it on the other end. Checked this morning and they were dead on with each cool is THAT? Thermometers are another issue. Got 3, with 3 different temps reading. But they are all super close, so I'm going with it and hoping the law of averages works in my favor. The two bulb thermometers were calibrated, but it's a little hard to plunge the transmitter of a digital thermometer in ice water, stir and read. Yeah, that'd be accurate after it came out, right? If there is an error, is it better to err on the high side or the lower side?

I still have doubts about the 2 bantam eggs. Not sure I see anything in them at all, but Ken spotted a little dot in one. I don't see any obvious veining in them. The 3 Australorp eggs are so porous it's like trying to find a cobweb against a field of stars. So they stay too. The Silkie egg is just plain clear. Nothing, nada. Easter Egger and Leghorn look great - better than any of the eggs I had last time...very strong. But the air cells in both still wobble and bobble like mad. The Nankin has development and a distinct saddle bag shaped cell. The Naked Neck looks good on both counts. The Cochin is a total guessing game at this point - looks to be some development but man, the air cell is huge and wobbly.

So that I don't repeat the mistakes of last time, do the air cells just look large to me because they wobble? I don't turn them on their sides and candle through the air cell - they are held upright through the entire process with the light shining down through the air cells. Did you ever try to trace the outline of an air cell that's over here one minute, and bobbles over the other way when you slightly move your hand to re-position the egg to continue tracing? Like trying to catch a two year old after a birthday party....all over the place!

While the percentage of good eggs is higher in this group, there are still some shipping issues. NOT that you did anything wrong - they were extremely well packaged and shipped, and took almost no time to get here. It's just the nature of shipping something as fragile as eggs. And far be it from me to be donated those eggs and then got them shipped out very quickly and I sure appreciate it!
Go a tad higher. Your last hatch was really delayed, probably due to the temp being a bit too low.
Weren't they past day 21?
Nope, scheduled to hatch on Tuesday the 12th and both hatched on Tuesday the 12st, one at 4:45 am and the second around 9 or 10 am. The others I kept going until this morning. I knew there was probably no hope for them by Thursday....but one was still rocking on Thursday so hung on a little longer. Finally there was no sign of anything in that one or in any of the rest. Cleaning that incubator and putting it away this afternoon.
I probably should have opened them to see what happened, but I'm not comfortable doing that yet. Dunno if it's a squeamish thing or something else.
I know, right???? I had to learn to pick it and Katie and I sing it at the top of our lungs! Yes, that was me in the purple long dress!
(not!) And it has chickens in it so it's thread-worthy!
I musta missed it, there were were a few women dressed in purple (and a few in skin
). Which was you?

I just posted over on another page about the new eggs. If it's okay I'll just copy and paste part of it here so I don't have to retype it on accounta I'm lazy.

Did the day 7 candling last night. So many floating air cells again. But this time we have more eggs that look good than not, unlike the last fiasco, so that's encouraging. Some of the air cells seem pretty doggone big for 7 days. Upped the humidity a bit and put a second hygrometer in there - both calibrated using the salt method. I have on one side of the incubator and the other directly diagonal from it on the other end. Checked this morning and they were dead on with each cool is THAT? Thermometers are another issue. Got 3, with 3 different temps reading. But they are all super close, so I'm going with it and hoping the law of averages works in my favor. The two bulb thermometers were calibrated, but it's a little hard to plunge the transmitter of a digital thermometer in ice water, stir and read. Yeah, that'd be accurate after it came out, right? If there is an error, is it better to err on the high side or the lower side?

I still have doubts about the 2 bantam eggs. Not sure I see anything in them at all, but Ken spotted a little dot in one. I don't see any obvious veining in them. The 3 Australorp eggs are so porous it's like trying to find a cobweb against a field of stars. So they stay too. The Silkie egg is just plain clear. Nothing, nada. Easter Egger and Leghorn look great - better than any of the eggs I had last time...very strong. But the air cells in both still wobble and bobble like mad. The Nankin has development and a distinct saddle bag shaped cell. The Naked Neck looks good on both counts. The Cochin is a total guessing game at this point - looks to be some development but man, the air cell is huge and wobbly.

So that I don't repeat the mistakes of last time, do the air cells just look large to me because they wobble? I don't turn them on their sides and candle through the air cell - they are held upright through the entire process with the light shining down through the air cells. Did you ever try to trace the outline of an air cell that's over here one minute, and bobbles over the other way when you slightly move your hand to re-position the egg to continue tracing? Like trying to catch a two year old after a birthday party....all over the place!

While the percentage of good eggs is higher in this group, there are still some shipping issues. NOT that you did anything wrong - they were extremely well packaged and shipped, and took almost no time to get here. It's just the nature of shipping something as fragile as eggs. And far be it from me to be donated those eggs and then got them shipped out very quickly and I sure appreciate it!
G'luck with this batch! Third time a charm?
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I musta missed it, there were were a few women dressed in purple (and a few in skin
). Which was you?

G'luck with this batch! Third time a charm?
Oh, pick one, @FlyWheel I look a little bit like all of them in one way or another! Catchy little tune, though.

Geepers, I hope not. This is only my second time so if the third one is the magic one I could be in trouble with this batch too!
Hi Blooie, I'm here with my peanut M&Ms and my BBQ beef ribs, can I come in? (I ate leftover chicken and dumplings for dinner tonight so I could save the ribs for you.

So, I've been lurking here for about a week now. When I found the thread, I read it straight through from the beginning, and it was taking me so long, I was afraid I wouldn't be caught up before the due date. So sorry to get near the end and find out only two chicks lived. But way to go jumping back in and trying again. It sounds like this second batch has better odds going for it.

I'm on my second batch. The kids (they are all grown) and I set eggs on Easter Sunday after dinner. So they are due to hatch tomorrow. And, I HAVE A PIP!!!
I've been hearing cheeping all day. Now that there is a pip, every time I hear a cheap, I want to race over and see if there is any progress. On my last hatch, I kept telling myself that it's a long time after the first pip before a chick hatches. So I made myself go do other things. Three times in a row, a chick hatched while I was in a different room, and I missed the whole thing! So then I spent the entire next day glued to the bator. That was tedious. But before the afternoon was out, I got to see there do all their zipping and hatching within 20 minutes of each other. That was great. My son and I took time-lapse video of some of it on our phones, and I must say, it is a lot nicer watching the hatch in fast motion!

So, this time I have 25 eggs that went into lockdown. There were 5 more set, but they ended up being infertile. Oh, and one of these eggs is a turkey.

Here's my DIY Styrofoam incubator in lockdown:


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