Blooie's Blankie Fort

I still have 14 eggs going strong, although 4 have loose air cells. Just in one little place on each, not the whole thing like in the first ones, and the embryos inside them look just as strong as the ones in the rest of the eggs.
I can not wait!! Are you day 7 today? or yesterday?
Actually Friday was Day 7, Amy - things are moving along so well I'm almost afraid to breathe! But I know that's the only way to be able to stick it out to the end and see what we get, so I breathe in, breathe out!
Actually Friday was Day 7, Amy - things are moving along so well I'm almost afraid to breathe! But I know that's the only way to be able to stick it out to the end and see what we get, so I breathe in, breathe out!
Having all those chicks hatch will either cure your inclination for chicken math ........
........or push you right down into the abyss.
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Actually Friday was Day 7, Amy - things are moving along so well I'm almost afraid to breathe! But I know that's the only way to be able to stick it out to the end and see what we get, so I breathe in, breathe out!
Either you've gotten much better at incubating, or your post office is doing better at handling the eggs.
Actually Friday was Day 7, Amy - things are moving along so well I'm almost afraid to breathe! But I know that's the only way to be able to stick it out to the end and see what we get, so I breathe in, breathe out!
Ok, so I'm behind a That's good, get's you closer to hatch day. I thought yours was a couple days behind mine, guess you're only a Of course your hatch day will be the day I'll be on the road headed to I'll have to check my notificatios as soon as I get

Having all those chicks hatch will either cure your inclination for chicken math ........
........or push you right down into the abyss.
I'm thinking

I don't know, but I'm sure some groveling and a new coop will be involved.
Ok, so I'm behind a That's good, get's you closer to hatch day.  I thought yours was a couple days behind mine, guess you're only a  Of course your hatch day will be the day I'll be on the road headed to I'll have to check my notificatios as soon as I get

I'm thinking


I'm thinkin abyss as well! :lau
Well, I was sitting here munching on Oreos and coloring in my new color book when it suddenly dawned on me that I'm a little late with updates, and lockdown is tomorrow. Ooops...

Still have 14 very viable chicks inside those eggs.....I can't believe it. The loose air cells snugged right up after only a couple of day upright in the cartons. @FridayYet says that with loose air cells you can mark the attached part with a solid line then use a dashed line to indicate where the air cell is loose. I did that, and now the only way I can even tell which ones were a little funny are the ones with that dashed line - new lines on them are solid!! Great idea, and I'm stealing it forever. Um, well, maybe not forever - I'm still not sure if this incubating stuff is for me. But we'll see.

Anyway, tomorrow is lockdown and Kendra's graduation from 2 years of pre-school at Children's Resource Center. Next school year she'll be attending pre-school at Rocky, where Katie and Evan attend. Big step for her - and we are blessed that her special helper from CRC will also be her assistant as she goes through elementary school. Not sure how we got so fortunate, but we all love Miss Pam and this will make Kendra's transition so much easier!

Kendra, Jenny and I leave for Denver in 2 weeks. Kendra will be having major abdominal surgery so we aren't sure how long we'll be down there. If you have a spare prayer in your back pocket, could you spare one for her? This is going to be very painful, life altering, and we can't explain any of it to her, which makes it double hard. Also I don't do Denver well....I hate it. Sorry, if you're from that area, but I hate it. Jenny and I lived there for 6 weeks waiting for Kendra to be born and have her back surgery, and I managed to find my way from the Ronald McDonald House to the hospitals, and from the RMH to Target. That was it! I am scared to death. But for Kendra.....

Update on the Littles.

Remember Sweetie Pie? His name is now Wilbur. He was our second to hatch, and good lookin' little Cream Legbar roo, if you ask me! That's Phoenix below him - she was the little White Orpington pullet we found "dead" in the run and revived using the incubator and a heating pad. Strong little stinker, ain't she?

Blizzard, the White Orpington roo, with Phoenix right behind him. Obvious differences there, wouldn't you say?

Blizzard and Yokel. Yokel was our first chick hatched and as promised he was name after @LocalYokel

Total integration with the flock is now complete and went flawlessly. Even Sluf, the Naked Neck that was hiding in a Black Australorp egg, is out there with the Bigs even though he's a couple of weeks younger.

Scratch time, and the Littles are getting their share! Love early integration!

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