Blue copper Moran

If anyone has Dark egg laying Marans you will find they are not very good layers.

That depends on your definition of good layers. They will not lay to sex link standards (which are egg laying machines), or even Australorp or Production Red standards (I would consider these excellent layers), but my dark egg laying Marans gave us 3-4 eggs per hen per week, which I would consider good layers.
First before anyone else tells you there name is always Marans with the s on the end.

X2 on that; and they are good layers of very dark brown eggs, often referred to as "chocolate" eggs. In my personal opinion, the chocolate eggs of the Marans are the prettiest eggs in the chicken world. :eek:)
Well good means to me a dozen or so a week for every 4 hens with a few off days lol

Your definition of good is exactly my definition of good. A dozen eggs per week for 4 hens is only 3 eggs per week per hen. My dark egg laying Marans had no problem laying that many eggs per week.

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