Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Is there such thing as a splash Wyandotte or a black one? I have 6 hatchmates that were supposed to be blr's.
Below her, you can see the black cockerel that hatched with her.

To the left in the foreground is another of the hatchmates - normal coloring!

Is this just a fluke, or were they not all blr's? Either way, she's beautiful!
I would welcome all opions, one way or the other...
Is there such thing as a splash Wyandotte or a black one? I have 6 hatchmates that were supposed to be blr's.
Below her, you can see the black cockerel that hatched with her.

To the left in the foreground is another of the hatchmates - normal coloring!

Is this just a fluke, or were they not all blr's? Either way, she's beautiful!
I would welcome all opions, one way or the other...
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Some pics of my young ones.







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