Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I just bought what are supposed to be two BLR wyandottes. One clearly has copper and blue colored feathers but the other has brown/copper and brown feathers. They're both a couple weeks old. Will their feather colors change? I'm concerned about the dark one not having any blue on her.

I'll keep y'all posted. Looks like I'll have splash LRW!
Just got two new batches of BLRD pullets in last week. We got them from a great local breeder who told us they were all blue but a few were just lighter reading through this thread I'm reading about lace black and blue. What do I have


I'm getting some chicks in May! Looking forward to having some of my own. I've been contemplating since last year and have some coming from Max in TX.
Anyone have any from him they might want to share pics of? Might help me with the wait. :)


We have been selectively breeding for 4 years now. And this is what we are starting to see. We also added birds from another last year. And I kept a black laced rooster for breeding from PeakyBeaky.
Mary and I just picked up three of these beautiful birds from a local hatchery. They were straight run so we are hoping to get a big ole rooster for the backyard. We are housing them separate from our buffs and may start breeding them. I have spent a lot of time getting them to be less skittish around me. Our birds are required to conform to We sold our reds after a little over two years, (family refuses to allow me to put our own birds in the pot), and have decided to expand our horizons and do some breeding too. Our kids have a touch of chicken fever too. If we are going to start hatching and raising them the kidos and Mary need to understand that culling the roosters and older hens is a must......
Mary and I just picked up three of these beautiful birds from a local hatchery. They were straight run so we are hoping to get a big ole rooster for the backyard. We are housing them separate from our buffs and may start breeding them. I have spent a lot of time getting them to be less skittish around me. Our birds are required to conform to We sold our reds after a little over two years, (family refuses to allow me to put our own birds in the pot), and have decided to expand our horizons and do some breeding too. Our kids have a touch of chicken fever too. If we are going to start hatching and raising them the kidos and Mary need to understand that culling the roosters and older hens is a must......

Welcome! You aren't all that far from me. Let me know if you don't end up with that big ole rooster! I have several! Post photos as they grow up. I'm curious what local hatchery they are from and what their stock looks likes
Welcome! You aren't all that far from me. Let me know if you don't end up with that big ole rooster! I have several! Post photos as they grow up. I'm curious what local hatchery they are from and what their stock looks likes

Thank you, We will let you know. The local hatchery is The Fayetteville Hatchery. I will get some photos up soon of my new birds.
Thank you, We will let you know. The local hatchery is The Fayetteville Hatchery.  I will get some photos up soon of my new birds.

Neat! I had a feeling it might be them. I've heard of them but have never bought any chicks there. They don't have many photos of their blrw online but they look like they might have some decent ones. I have considered buying a few just to see how they turn out. I remember being impressed with a SLW that someone posted on BYC that came from there... Anxious to see some photos but it takes soooo long for them to mature!

My husband just finished my new cabinet incubator. It's made from a wine fridge that he bought at the scrap yard for $20. It has been running for 24 hours and the temperature and humidity are stable. The wyandottes are laying eggs like crazy so I'm collecting eggs to try it out.

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