Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

This is our BLRW Roo at about 5 weeks.
I will snap some shots this afternoon and update. I know that is critical info when gender guessing, but at the time of this photo session (two days ago) there was so noticeable growth. My guess is cockerel, but that is only based on slow tail growth and the wings looking a bit streaky.
I would agree with you based off those things, short tail and what not, however I have a seven week old that I SWEAR is a roo, except he has no red and no size to his comb and wattles! She/he does have streaky colors, short tail, and big legs and just overall looks like a smaller version of my roo.
I would agree with you based off those things, short tail and what not, however I have a seven week old that I SWEAR is a roo, except he has no red and no size to his comb and wattles! She/he does have streaky colors, short tail, and big legs and just overall looks like a smaller version of my roo.
yeah, the roo does get leggy, kind of resembling an Ostrich when compared to a pullet

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