Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Lol yeah I have been flipping birds to sex them for 8 years and I am 89% on them and I think I got 4 out of 6 males so don't feel bad



So my chicks are the same age maybe a day or 2 younger but my splashes are feathering way way way slower why?
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Sometimes they say it's a sign of being a boy, boys will feather and get tails last... But my boys had the longest tail and all feathered fast, so really it means nothing at the moment
Chick 1

Chick 2 frosty tips

Chick 3 different breeder then the rest

Chick 4

Chick 5

Chick 6

All chicks are around 2 weeks old splashes are feathering slower any input would be greatly appreciated they all are looking way different to me

Their feathers can look quite odd when they're young. rest assured they will be laced when they are bigger, regardless of frosty tips

it is actually preferable to have SLOW FEATHERING in BLRW, because it means they will have better lacing. in my experience, it does not indicate male or female.

beautiful! how old? where from?

Update pic: Bucky/Beatrice 8 weeks. I used to be SO sure she was a he. Hmm...
looks like a girl to me!

Update mine are now 7 weeks

they both look female to me!
however, the red is very washed out. it should be a dark mahogany red, not light orange. I would not use these for breeding.

Six weeks old. Any chance this is a girl?

this one says cockerel to me

10 week old Pullet

She's got the best temperament and is in light-molt like my other pullets her age.
the red is very washed out. it should be a dark mahogany red, not light orange. I would not use her for breeding.
are you sure she isn't a gold laced?

Any guesses whether Crystal - 2 months - is a roo or pullet?

I say pullet!

this is what I'm talking about this is the only one I have doing it
I theorize maybe something traumatic happened when that part of the feather was growing. sickness, lack of food/water, etc.
luckily your chick recovered and the feathers will molt and regrow, not a reason for concern.

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