Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I have been admiring all y'all's beautiful BLRW chickens for years. Yesterday my broody hatched a shipped BLRW egg. Really hoping it's a girl cuz I can't have roosters here. (First photo includes it's EE hatchmate.)


The first two pictures are of Misty and Pikachu. I'm thinking I should paint the coop blue for these two, what do you all think?

This third picture is of what happened when I tried to put them outside in a pen I put up. They freaked out and tried to run through the fence- until I got in and crouched like a momma hen would- they quieted and rushed to sit under me, where they felt safe. I guess they think I'm mom! The older hens see me with them and avoid me, treating me like a hen with 'my' chicks. Oh boy :p

The bottom picture here is of my other two ( Splash is the color, I think?) Ophelia and Zelda, but girls I THINK. Hoping so, because If the other two are boys, I have to get rid of one, and it's going to be hard. These are the prettiest and sweetest birds I've owned yet! Love my new BLRW!
Thanks for letting me share! EDITING TO ADD- 5 Weeks old!
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One of my juvinille's turned up missing this morning. Leaving me with just 3 BLRW.

I'm looking for hatching eggs. Is anyone near middle TN?
I have 4 chicks that are all the same age and line, same color and are all feathering at the same rate. Two have just started developing bright red combs and wattles. I'm guessing they are roos? Thoughts?
I have 4 chicks that are all the same age and line, same color and are all feathering at the same rate. Two have just started developing bright red combs and wattles. I'm guessing they are roos? Thoughts?

Yes, those would be Roos. What age are they, my Roos got combs and wattles at 2 weeks and all my girls had some tiny redish wattles at four weeks,

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