Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

I am in Bend, OR and will have some extra BLRW cockerels. They are 3 mos old (hatched 3/20/16). Looks like I have 3 boys and just 1 girl, so definitely can't keep all the boys.

Any guesses on if this is a roo or hen ?? I was told approx 5 weeks old. Sorry about picture quality :/
Hello, I am in Oregon and had recently bought 4 straight run blrw chicks from the local Winco. Almost 6 weeks today and had 2 really good looking blue cockerels with great lacing and 2 splash pullets with less than desirable markings. This morning my puppy got in the outdoor pen and killed the 2 cockerels. I'm interested in procuring more birds locally whether as adults, chicks or hatching eggs. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

Sorry about your loss.

Whereabouts in Oregon are you?

Are you looking for more cockerels to replace the lost ones?

I have black and splash cockerels in the 6-8 week age rage (also in OR) for $1.

My pullets in black and splash are sold, and my blues are not for sale. Edit: I might have 1-2 splash pullets (5wk)

I do have fertile eggs for sale. This is my thread where you can see photos of my birds: They are not hatchery birds, they are carefully bred and of exceptional quality (in my humble opinion)
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Blues by the looks of them unless the lighting is off. Any grey will blue up like the first hen below. Blacks are BLACK :) The Blues lighten as they get older. See two of my blacks in 2nd and 3rd pic below. I think it is a beautiful color combo myself

Hello, I am new to wyandottes and am needing some help sexing. These are just over 12 weeks old and with the exception of one pullet all the combs/waddles look the same, but the feathering is different. Am I correct the the pointy saddle feathers are Roos and the round ones are pullets? I can usually tell by the pattern but one I know is a Roo has more lacing than other roos Ive seen. the first 2 pics are of what saddle feathers tell me is a hen but her comb and waddles are just as red/large as the roo.

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Hello, I am new to wyandottes and am needing some help sexing. These are just over 12 weeks old and with the exception of one pullet all the combs/waddles look the same, but the feathering is different. Am I correct the the pointy saddle feathers are Roos and the round ones are pullets? I can usually tell by the pattern but one I know is a Roo has more lacing than other roos Ive seen. the first 2 pics are of what saddle feathers tell me is a hen but her comb and waddles are just as red/large as the roo.


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