Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

Here's my first and only BLRW - 8 weeks old. Betty Lou Rae Wyandotte.

And with her EE hatchmate Lizzy.

They were moved to the new outside coop at 4 weeks old and started free-ranging with the big girls two days later. Broody mama took them over and introduced them after they'd all kept their distance for the first couple of days. She returned to the rest of the flock (two other hens) and the old coop when the babies were five weeks old. Everybody is happy; especially me cuz I'm 99.9% sure they are both pullets. She has her blue chick fluff still and it looks like she may be getting blue lacing, but I'm not sure as this is my first BLRW.
I'm no expert by any mark but those hackle feathers would shake me up if I were looking for a pullet but on the other hand, her saddle looks feminine...good luck for which ever you want!!!
I'm no expert by any mark but those hackle feathers would shake me up if I were looking for a pullet but on the other hand, her saddle looks feminine...good luck for which ever you want!!!

I thought about that a week ago when I noticed them while she was grooming. They really stood out. Her legs were also thicker than the EE's, but she was bigger even at two days old. I'm saying girl based on her still small and light pink comb and wattles at two months. I need her to be a pullet cuz I can't have roosters in the city limits.
in an adult bird that's called split breast. not a desired trait. but in a bird under 5-6 months old i'd say give him time, he may fill in the gap. I've seen that a lot in immature birds that don't show it as adults.

it's a fairly common fault in cochins, I think. and other loosely feathered breeds.

thank you for this post, good to know. I have some five month old cockerals i'm sorting through and two have split breasts. Trying to figure out which falls are worse than others, lol.....

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